Extreme push ups 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Plyometrics training.
Forever alone 41 comments
Looking through your phone 17 comments
· 11 years ago
^this guy!
I agree with everything. Usually if someone is cheating- and they feel guilty about it- they will start to overcompensate in their love life. They will be more huggy or sexual to make up for their transgressions. They can go both directions, sneaky or clingy. It is up to them whether they will change or not. If you look through emails or texts or messages even once, you have trust issues because you let your doubt cloud your mind. I am not cheating on my SO, but I would feel insulted if she were to go through my stuff. Even if it were just a check-up. As well- as I said previously- if you go looking, you will find it, this means you already have the thought that they might be. Then you find a message that would normally just be joking or playful and blow it out of proportion. At this point, you are a villain, not them. It doesn't surprise me when I hear of someone going in aggressively then being put-off by the defensive attitude their SO cops.
I agree with everything. Usually if someone is cheating- and they feel guilty about it- they will start to overcompensate in their love life. They will be more huggy or sexual to make up for their transgressions. They can go both directions, sneaky or clingy. It is up to them whether they will change or not. If you look through emails or texts or messages even once, you have trust issues because you let your doubt cloud your mind. I am not cheating on my SO, but I would feel insulted if she were to go through my stuff. Even if it were just a check-up. As well- as I said previously- if you go looking, you will find it, this means you already have the thought that they might be. Then you find a message that would normally just be joking or playful and blow it out of proportion. At this point, you are a villain, not them. It doesn't surprise me when I hear of someone going in aggressively then being put-off by the defensive attitude their SO cops.
Graduation 11 comments
A++ 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Sounds like chugging a bottle of syrup. I'll never do that again...not even for five dollars.
I like farts 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. You should probably get some help.
Confidence is the key! 8 comments
· 11 years ago
If you are with them, the fucking everything is just because they are displacing their sexual appetites for you on everything else. You shouldn't be offended.
Looking fabulous 13 comments
Berds 9 comments
Forever alone 41 comments
· 11 years ago
Like it would have had the smoothness to begin with. This is smooth: creamy peanut butter.
Looking through your phone 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't go looking if you don't want to find anything. Also, if you don't trust your SO enough to give them space, leave them.
Graduation 11 comments