User trustnthngmulder Banned
When your still on level one. 10 comments
· 7 years ago
When you have crabs
Rest In Bread 10 comments
· 8 years ago
There's a porn movie Neck vagina on pornhub. I highly recommend it.
Why not 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Guest is speaking what @trustnthngmulder is trying to say all along . Guest, you're my friend now. Where did you sleep in the tent if it's not a secret?
One string guitar man 2 comments
When we were kids, we had so much inno-cents 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Still. I don't start stories in which my father ended with 300,000 with Hey, I just remembered, I completely forgot about it, one time......
Enough said 18 comments
I need this condition 23 comments
I need this condition 23 comments
I need this condition 23 comments
Just before the fall 16 comments
· 8 years ago
War in Turkey is inevitable. Putin is already heating up grease (Greece) and puttin' the turkey in the oven.
When we were kids, we had so much inno-cents 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah I start all my stories in which I ended up with 300,000$(which is, like, all my paychecks ever, times two, that's what I'd have when I am 65,if I didn't spend a nickle, like, never...times two) I start them with... "One time when I was 12"...
I need this condition 23 comments
· 8 years ago
People, you joke around with breastfeeding and stuff... But these people probably remember everything they read. That means... That's almost a superpower... And it's one of those that superheroes can choose to do the evil stuff. Who are these people and why isn't Cancer man, @trustnthngmulder's archenemy all over them?
Dogs are awesome no matter what 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Hell yeah! This post and this comment explain humans as much as dogs . There have always been as much shy/scared/non-aggressive people who wanted to live their lives in peace, fun moments and gayness, but majority of people made them be what they don't wanna be. Now they fought them off. And can be both even.
Only in America 7 comments
· 8 years ago
People just stole plastic dog houses made for stray dogs so they don't freeze, in Serbia. They're worth 1$. One dollar.
Enough said 18 comments
· 8 years ago
But only if he thought of USA. I would die for USA and I'm not American. But should you stay with many others? God no!
Mamma mia 2 comments
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
So, brothers, literally brothers, lost their "Serbian" adjective. Cause they didn't live in Serbia no more. In order not to be confused with Bosnian Muslims(later called Bosniaks) they couldn't be called that, nor Bosnian, nor Bosnian Serbs. They were welcomed openheartedly from Bosnian Muslims and they don't tell them apart today, they love them that much. You can tell, mostly by surnames and place where they live, but it's unimportant for both of them. And then, Serbia conquered eastern part of leftover Muslim states, Kosovo and Sanjak and now Serbia had Serbian (ex)Serbs Muslim, Serbian Bosnians Muslim(Serbian dwelling Bosniaks,who are there since forever) and also Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks from Bosnia who somehow got to be in Serbia now) and Bosnian Serb turkified Muslims. And Croatian Muslims(small %) and... And when you add Montenegro, and Macedonian Muslims Torbeshi and Bulgarian Pomaks, and Gorani, who Serbs call Nashi (ours) south Serbia converts who not only.....
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
......that were then occupied by running Serbian nobility since 15th century. So there were Bosnian Serbs, Croats and Bosnians, Serbian Croats, Serbians and Bosnians and Croatian Serbs, Bosnians and Croats. And then many of them turkified and/or changed religion, in least numbers Serbs and Croats from Croatia. So we had - all of the above plus subgroup Muslim (for example Croat, Croatian Muslim, Croatian Serb Muslim, Croatian Serb, Croatian Bosnian and Croatian Bosnian Muslim... All living in Croatia) . But when Serbia did its own reconquista it did something different from Greece, Croatia, Romania... It violently expelled all the Muslims without taking Serbs from Bosnia back in their place (Greeks expelled Turks but took Pontic Greek back), killed hundreds and burned down everything. INCLUDING Serbian Muslims (Serbs who converted (hundreds of thousands)).GTFO to Bosnia!
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
So... You want bigger explanation... Roman Empire divided right down the river Drina (there's Nobel Prize winning book about the river, I believe Robert DE niro's daughter is named Drina). Left side went with Latin west (Latin script and Latin church) and right bank went with East. Bosnia couldn't choose sides, so chose neither. Bosnians weren't neither Catholic nor Orthodox, they were baboon Christians or something (baboon cult, yeah). Then the Turkey(Ottoman) came and Bosnians converted almost 100%. Then some Serbs killed some Turks and escaped in bulks, in 18th century, in thousands. To an Austro-Hungarian border (today Croatia and Bosnia). And also there were parts of old Croatia and Bosnia ........
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
You don't say. You're gonna teach me stuff. You should sometimes say "Maybe somebody else knows something else that I don't know". It's good for you. It's just too long to explain, just trust me, I know hundreds of people who are Muslim by ethnicity. Damn people. Just say "Maybe I'm wrong.
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
I said Muslim as an ethnicity. I was reacting to someone calling me non-American(it's edited out now, so I can't remember who it was). I find that very offensive. I'm trans American (American born in Serbian body) :), but jokes aside, I seem to love USA more than you folks. And it's ridiculous. And we're on the same side. Palestinian Christians say Allahu ekber as well I never said terrorists = Muslim (as I said I had terrorists in my family, dead now). And serbian extremists, christians, were blessed by Serbian patriarch, that's like Pope here. They have it embroidered in their flag.
Edited 8 years ago
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
I never said Islam is ethnicity. You people have problems with reading.
Pretty Ridiculous That This Isn’t a Thing Yet 56 comments
· 8 years ago
You did react "There are less Muslim ones than Christian" like I told Allahu ekber yelling ones were Muslims. But whatever. We all agree we hate them whatever creed they are. As my Muslim (by ethnicity, not by faith) pals do. And unlike you, they (as well as yours truly @trustnthngmulder) have mujahadeen terrorists in their broader family. So much of "not living in USA"