User trustnthngmulder Banned

Tree rings: 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
No, I understand you people, and layer make up, this post confuses me. If you get cut, you'll have an abrasion, a hole on your face, with new layers of skin (and makeup). But pic shows "scar" from forest fire "trapped" between two rings, and letters got layered. It's not just a pic. I saw it in real life. A hole in between rings when tree was halfed. From fire, beavers or whatever. Layers cover my letters but not holes. I never saw my "I" more than one or two layers deep, even if I wrote it 7 years ago.
These misspelled english words are hilarious 102 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Yes, they also write it, for example Audery Hepburnu, they can't end a word in "rn", it's unexplainable to bubble people like you :). Serbs for example, must end all girl names with "a". They don't care your name is French American Gabrielle (read as in French with silent e in the end) it's unpronounceable in Serbian, they must change it to GabrielA, even though you explain them you have a twin sister GabrielA, and your dead father left everything to you, GabriellE, you will LEGALLY have to take half.
These misspelled english words are hilarious 102 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
It's called Hepburn English, you racist. They literally can't pronounce it. It happens in Serbian too (pronunced srbian actually) . Here people say spectacl, without e. They know it's delinquent, but it's unpronounceable, so they say it delikvent
· Edited 7 years ago
Dammit Ζεύς 29 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Dammit Ζεύς 29 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
No, no it's Cyrillic, but except mentioned three letters, all the other are the same. I'll try to write it - А В Г Δ Ε Ζ Κ Λ Μ Ο Π Ρ ς τ Φ Χ... Η is English h, Greek e, Serbian n.... Serbian and Greek h is X. So Zeus is Zeus. I don't know why are others so confused. It's obvious.
Tree rings: 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
But I thought it grows in concentric circles (but on the reverse, inside, pushing away older concentric circles). They explain it, at least in this picture like layers upon layers form (hence the burned layer from the forest fire of 2011.) What if I wrote I <3 you on the bark right before the fire.
Tree rings: 6 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I never understood how is the inner ring first year growth. It should be the newest. When I wrote <3 M+S on the bark, it stayed there for years
The look on their faces. Priceless 11 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I basically hate "plot twists" that include twins. That's like the most stupid plot ever, especially in Jean Claude van Damme or similar movies. I don't know how managed it.
Dammit Ζεύς 29 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
OMG I just had mini stroke :) I'm a sw fanatic. I speak umbaran language. I know every single bit of every single person (or entity) in sw, their family members, every single event since their "birth" in a timeline. All the religions all the battles, I know what device they use to spread the butter. But that doesn't interest you. Cyrillic letters (used in my country) are basically Greek alphabet (except N, I, and U - Н, И, У). Omega, as in alpha and omega means o-mega, big O, small o, totally different letter is o-micron, mini O.
Dammit Ζεύς 29 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I like the accent on alpha. It must be there or it would probably mean whole different thing. Did you know star wars also must have Greek alphabet (they call it differently and explain where it came from differently of course)just because of lambda (λ) fighters.
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Either way you shall suck your own cock. Soooon. People like you were saying "What a fuck, anti Jewish posters of 1932. are just a joke""Hitler can't stomp Europe""Let's make jokes on Winston Churchill" and when Gitler (git Hitler) knocked on British doors, you shat your pants
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I never saw a nation "shitting in their own soup",literally, shitting on your, completely normal food, state, economy, etc. That's gonna cost you your head. Not one nation in history ever. I'll defend west with last drop of my blood, and I will try to catch you selfshitters
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
You need to suck my dick. @frostbite. I hope they draft you too and you come here so I can actually make you do it. Fuck you and your American wedding ring
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Before 2000 they didn't look towards US. They (police brutes) had beaten our lungs out and didn't care what anyone thinks about it. But since 2000 you can hear them "What Do You want, even Americans are beating people" so they crank it up a notch. YOU DON'T HAVE POLICE BRUTALITY. Fuckheads. Stop saying that. You're only invigorating my policeman to break my skull. Stop it, dickheads. That's also what you do with everything else that builds up your image. With "fat wimpy, impotent, degenerate Amurican" image. With Colas and donuts. Stop giving Putin erections! Dickmouths
· Edited 7 years ago
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I'm normal. People burning Amurican food restaurants aren't. And west is loosing support all over the world cause some dick muncher @frostbite thinks it's hilarious to laugh on Amurican food, making USA retarded. War (that will not start over ethnical disputes, but over west-Russia supremacy of course, as it is already waging 300miles from me in Ukraine) is knocking on my House doors ,but it will come to your door too. Till you awake. I hope you die horrible death, choking on donuts dunked in rat poison. West lost half of Europe in last 5 years. They're closer and closer. Because you hate mcburger and Dunkin.
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I'm ranting on the whole "American food " shit. Why are you so slow. Do I really need to draw it to you? I said we don't have Dunkin donuts, if we had that it'd be also burned. Goddammit are you sure you're not under normal IQ
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Serbs loved McDonalds (the only one in whole eastern bloc, yeah) even in communist times. When Yugoslavia broke up Serbs chanted to Croats "We have McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds, we have McDonalds, you have got dick" What happened between 1998 and 2000 when it was burned down. You did.
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Bubble girl, I can't handle the retardedness of yours... "What does it have to do, what does it have to do?" Why do they only burn McDonalds (we don't have Dunkin donuts) . Answer yourself, maybe you'll listen to yourself
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
In countries east and south of Turkey, you can't even be seen in jeansThey will light you on fire. They think all denim jeans come from Levi Strauss, that's only what they saw. Ever heard of Mecca cola. They like drinking cola, but they would go berserk if they saw "Amerka Amerka devil drink, poison, cancer, capitalizm, Amerka Coca-Cola" so they made mecca cola. Hanging homosexuals, stoning women cause they showed ankle is OK... BUT COCA-COLA...... Haram Haram . That's what you do. Amuricans are degenerates to a child rapist, killer, genocidal butcher.
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
I'll explain in pictures, might be easier for you... Belgrade (capital of Serbia, country that started 9 wars in last 95 years, one of them world war) ,Belgrade pride parade. Minister of police says "I'm not protecting those... people"very derogatory in Serbian. Hundreds of young people, led of course by priests with clubs and guns @sincere_milkshake, kick kidneys out of gay people. After that... McDonalds burned to the ground, US and UK embassy burned to the ground , those are your citizens (and Netherlands?? Cause they somehow connect gay "degenerates" with Amsterdam???).... Year later some Serbs chased Albanian kids they drowned, Albanians rioted, Serbians rioted back (famous Serbian "they attacked us first ",happening also as we speak) burned mosques (Bosniak, and Gypsy, not Albanian) only two that remained out of 3000 here AND McDonalds. My cousin got second degree burns. Warlord, president Karadzic, butcher of Bosnia, arrested, TV B92 burned, court burned.... AND McDonalds (!??)
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Jokes are supposed to be funny. This was funny in 1997. to my grandma. "Amurican food, Omigosh, we're so fat, we use golf carts to go out". THATS ridiculous. Not funny at all. It's far more political and dangerous than you'll ever grasp. Cause you live in a London bubble
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
And why is this post here? Why do you care if Americans eat doughnuts? Why do you think that's so bad? That's triggered. Over a fucking piece of fried dough . And loosing support all over the world. Cold war - with doughnuts.
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
And why is this post here? Why do you care if Americans eat doughnuts? Why do you think that's so bad? That's triggered. Over a fucking piece of fried dough
American wedding ring 61 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Dude... I adore American donuts. Donuts are Jewish actually. I hate you people ruining the entire world.OOver a fucking doughnut. You're the one mad about delicious donut. You're making fuss. You're making Americans into Amuricans. And shitting the whole world
Dammit Ζεύς 29 comments
trustnthngmulder · 7 years ago
Now I wanna know how Kraken is written. Κρακοιον
· Edited 7 years ago