User trustnthngmulder Banned
Poor Hades 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I want the FIRE! :)
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
No no @drazil I understand you. Mostly. I don't know what preps are but whatever. Now think of example of bloodthirsty jock Serb youngster who kills if you wear a button on the wrong side (left side means girly, or "faggot") if your name doesn't end in -ich or if you're goth western decadent "epileptic" as they call them here. Imagine Croat preps who will stab you if you wear ring on your right hand (I'm Jewish, not Serbian, but they don't care), Albanian goth who beats you dead with bat for walking on his side of quay... Hungarian, Czech, Rusyn, Roma, Romanian, Schwabians... and nationalities you never heard of Gorani, Torlakian, Ashkali, Cincars, Bunjevci..... Now that's a party. Of throat slashers. Big crocodiles in the smallest pond. All hating each other. You have 10% of Americans hating blacks or whatever... 98% of Serbians would slit throat of Muslims,their own Muslims, let alone Bosniaks. As they do. Every 25 years, we are expecting one new very soon. You're fine.
Edited 8 years ago
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I come from a country where they sleep in their own shit, I also want it to be better... But what's the point on giving them private showers? I heard you Scandinavians think treating them nice makes them decent persons. So would bad conditions. Anyone who has been to a Serbian gulag will NEVER again steal not even a candy. He'll say good afternoon to a mall cop. BUT before he does the first crime he'll think twice... I, myself seeing TVs and showers in cells think only how to get to Sweden, and rob a jewellery, that cell is 100x better than my family home, 1000x better than all my rented apartments, together. You actually woke up criminal in me :) . Stop being sucha libtards. Your country is becoming Yugoslavia.
Edited 8 years ago
American society 48 comments
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
@rose_garden I'm on your side, no-no on the ban and everything, I like you have balls, but I still don't understand why you post "I fear white weapon- wielders more than Muslim weapon -wielders", my Muslims are blondes, you wouldn't know if that guy Kurt Haris from your class (Muslim name and surname Kurt meaning wolf) father name Elvis (also very popular Muslim name here) is Muslim and if he started shooting up people right now, your first thought would be, crazy American boi, and he's ISIS. Trump makes same mistake as you. He would let Kurt Haris, or Zlatan Kalach from Serbia, blond blue eyes, no turban no beard, no middle east features, with bottle of alcohol in hands, or porn magazine, entering US with his sister Dina, Leyla, Maira, Elvira Kalach in shorts that show half of vagina.
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm saying all of my friends Muslim ARE white. Not middle eastern white. Blondes, with green eyes. And banning Syria and Tajikistan won't stop ISIS coming to your country. There is ISIS in 95% ethnically clean Serbia
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
Just saying, you never had "Putinesque" Berluskonilike president, people grabbing pussies, with Barbie dolls wives, arrogant, spoiled, sexist, banning this banning that, that's Putinism. He also, as well as Mussolini and Franco and Gaddafi and Pinochet and Amin promised making their country great again. And failed miserably. Trump looks up to that gnome Putana Putin.
Poor Hades 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Greek philosophers, Αναξίμανδρος and others, they kinda brought back earth wind and fire, my favorite Heraclitus' fire, and then again god, and Turks, and again god and then communist atheism, and god . It's boring. Bring back the FIRE!! Are you Greek @releasethekraken I watched on VICE, some Greeks are bringing back the Zeus, is there a chance someone could make a religion around Heraclitus, I'd like to join
Great little spot in Uzungöl, Turkey 4 comments
American society 48 comments
American society 48 comments
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
And stop saying Americans are poor. If that's what drives people to crime, should everyone else kill everyone else. Stop saying you're poor.
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
I personally think you should implement Serbian way of running the prisons and everything else. Not only they serve their time in no human rights rat holes, they have to work for it ...What Do You think, they're gonna feed you for free. My ex-father used to work, without a salary of course, for at least 10h a day in a steel mill, what else was he gonna do in prison... Read books? They don't have Wi-Fi and gyms here. Regular Auschwitz. Lift steel until you drop. Same is applied in thearmy. I had to work to pay for my food. Plus the regular work. That way you have people who raped and murdered rising the all together economy, free work force. You pet them to much. They sit around doing nothing, you just feed them,and they could be raising the economy,and no more poor people. They're bored they go on stabbing people @guest
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Haha I like where you're going, but are you for real "most other countries don't have as much division due to so many people conflicting with other cultures" What are you talking about. Black people "conflicting" with white people. Phahahaha. You people are getting ridiculous and more ridiculous by the minute. Have you ever heard of.... Hum.... Rest of the fucking world. Phahahaha. Stop making your problems look the worst. Everybody's laughing at you. Sorry if I'm to harsh @drazil
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
No,we're gonna put TV and a shower in every cell. Fuck off, Scandinavia
American society 48 comments
· 8 years ago
@mightyoak Sweden has no clue. This comic is so.... What's the word....... On topic... This comic knows what's on. Scandinavia go F yourself
Edited 8 years ago
America being America 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes. That's how you call that. We have WORLD championships in chvarak making,belmuz making....Whatever autochton local dish you take that nobody else makes and call it world. Or "international" karate championship with only three states participating
Indeed! 6 comments
· 8 years ago
We talked about this. Free energy would end the humanity. And Tesla is a fuckhole.
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump defenders stink like Putin's smegma. It's sucha see through propaganda, they are even becoming him, willingly or unwillingly. Same expressions, same attitudes, same rhetoric. I'm scared.
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump is an idiot.As I said in another post, I can send you "Serbian" dude,with blue eyes and blond hair called Zlatan Kovac,there used to be"Muslim" written in his passport,cause it IS an ethnicity here,but it's forbidden now,after all the wars,and there's no chance in hell you'd know in any way possible that he's from local big branch of ISIS.He's NOT wearing turban,he's not "of eastern facial features",he doesn't have beard,he wears v-neck T-shirt to his naked belly button,he's drinking like mad, not to undercover himself(although if he's from ISIS he probably wouldn't), Bosniaks are drinking more than Serbs,they missed that part of Qur'an,his sister(who's not in ISIS but wouldn't blow her brother's cover)wears shorts that shows her vagina,doesn't mean she's not Muslim.Trump doesn't have economic benefits from Serbia.The only way to stop Zlatan blow up half Manhattan would be "Write if someone is Muslim in passport, and ban Muslims from ALL the countries"and that's segregation
Great little spot in Uzungöl, Turkey 4 comments
· 8 years ago
How many of you noticed double decker teapot. It has two... Nozzles... Or whatever they're called. legally makes your head woozy...
Look at that sea 8 comments
Poor Hades 8 comments
· 8 years ago
So, wait, Greek religion was about how Titans, represented with earth, wind, fire and water became obsolete, and replaced with multiple gods, for everything, and THEN they had philosophers who said water, earth, wind and fire are apeiron, the beginning. And then again... And again.... just like communism, capitalism ....