The humanity 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Which is your favorite DC Animated Movie? 4 comments
· 7 years ago
The tv show was pretty popular here, but comics and especially cartoon series never caught on, so I never caught on on these anti flash characters
The humanity 11 comments
· 7 years ago
And if we do have, as I do have acres of grass in countryside, my uncle mows 5 hills of grass for his cows as part of his summer chores. Ten years ago it was done manualy, but we had more people in our village, it was done as an "event", like "grass mowing festival". And city grass patches,for example kindergarten playground, football field, park ...are mowned by people who work there as a....general repair guy, electrician, garbage man (garbage person), or prisoners, real prisoners, we don't have community work prisoners, you don't go to jail for DUI,our murders get free weekends or soldiers. Why pay (I don't know even if They're payed I think they just pay them in free meal from cafeteria) a guy, when you have one. If someone tried to open lawn mowing firm, not to mention needing a thousands of dollars worth pick up truck for it , or moving company or ...They'd be STRONGLY ridiculed
Edited 7 years ago
The humanity 11 comments
· 7 years ago
In my country.... crazy thought..... bare with me..... it's a crazy thought..... we.....mown our grass.......... are you bearing with me.... we mown OUR grass....... ....by OUR-FUCKING-SELVES . I don't have 12 acres of grass! I can mow it by my-fucking-self. Can't believe you have "a guy who's doing it for you", and then all you do all day is complaining about barely meeting ends with your "meager" salary. It's gotta be some kind of mental illness.
We should all wear them 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Sometimes I ask myself what would happen when it becomes a thing in country of mine where they don't give a fuck about these new conditions. Would there be a sudden and avalanche like boom
Can anyone confirm this as I don't have a granny anymore 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I mostly kid not. My grandma is Slavic grandma. I'm sure she bathed for wedding night and when she died. She didn't even have bathroom, not even latrine, or hole inthe ground. We shat behind a pig stall (not like any you saw... an old pig stall like in 13 th century movies) and wiped with a leaf when I went there. My mother was born in a pig stall... not that one, but whatever, grandma cut off her umbilical noose with a scythe
Edited 7 years ago
Can anyone confirm this as I don't have a granny anymore 11 comments
· 7 years ago
My grandma never washed hands, I'm not exagerating, never( Maybe just put it quickly under running water, no soap) but people swear her hand streched pies are the tastiest. Also... cheese curdling in her pantyhose mmm yumm yumm
You cannot spell NUDES without SEND and U 8 comments
You cannot spell NUDES without SEND and U 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Why would anyone send dick pic to random people. If you can't prove it's yours no one would watch random penises downloaded from the net. She can google that on her own. Point is that you can prove it's yours. And that's done if she precisely tells you "Take a photo from above" or "Write something on it" ...so you first need to talk talk talk.... and than one of you asks the question. If she doesn't want it, that's it. Don't you know how it's done?! I send it only to people who already saw it. And miss it. (my wife only)
The simplest of solutions 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It totally has to do with population. It's like rising the economy of a mid size town. You can do it in a month
Real 51 comments
· 7 years ago
You are repeating what I say @jmvail except you missunderstand. I'm not talking about believing in god OR science. I'm telling you "In timeless everythingness of "being"(a philosophical term) everything already happened. Every scenario. Imaginable or unimaginable. There are parts of that everythingness,arguable if we should call them universes, cause they could last less than a second and disappear and consisting of only single one "monade", parts of everythingness inside the nothingness where god COULD NOT HAPPEN. NEVER. And not being able to tell them apart, it might as well be This one we're now in. But not being able to tell them apart means it also could be the one with god (we can't prove or disprove).That's why I, smart guy, say Socratic "I know nothing", could be either (but not both) I don't care, and you... say.. whatever you say."
Bacon for when you get hungry 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Police in Brittain forced to appologize for using a puppy in Police advertising, sniff dogs banned all over europe and you think pig police will be a thing. Sharia, people. :)Sharia.
Edited 7 years ago
Patrick Stewart with hair 13 comments
· 7 years ago
http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xr/776057.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=3&d=45B0EB3381F7834D2C0ADCA9E33070EE842153F22F4FF58167EADE17C0C9E177 patrick stewart with hare
Patrick Stewart with hair 13 comments
· 7 years ago
I remember "I CLAVDIVS", with serpent in credits, but I don't remember him. It's just unnatural
Go hard or go home 9 comments
· 7 years ago
What if you both die during sex and her vagina clenches. How do you unclench a vagina?
Real 51 comments
· 7 years ago
And @chakun, We DO live in a world we couldn't believe will ever come to be. Ten years ago or so... Ten years ago I couldn't dream that a buddhist monk, one of the most peacefull religion, that shouldn't care about stuff, would call for burning muslims alive in indochina, because their beliefs don't coincide. He is a preacher, that means he preaches. Everyone with access to public preaching of whatever, even us here, should carefully choose words, let alone heads of religion,which btw shouldn't care of sucha things cause it's dealing in absolutes And it's peacefull. He as a preacher should know that. What's left to his"flock", what's left to more unpeacefull religions? And fanatics.
Edited 7 years ago
Real 51 comments
· 7 years ago
No, I meant option. We may, theoretically, live in universe in which there is god, or in one where it's not even plausible. Not both. Because we cannot prove neither, we choose one of the options. @chakun, point is I say in altogether unmeasurable everithingness, there MUST be both options( essentialy ALL the options) but not at the same time (in our "current" universe). Since we cannot know for sure, or prove neither, I, trustnthnmulder guy, say I'm not sure which one is it. It could be any of those. Religious people don't even wanna talk about could it be other option. That's fanaticism.
Real 51 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't hate"men of faith" as well. I'm just saying... what gervais is saying. Your option is just an option! You must accept a fact that it simply could be unreal. Like trustnthnmulder guy does. I say there definitely could be god but I also say there is an option there's not a chance of god. Which ever is the truth I don't care. Believers exclude both options. There's only one option for them. And that's pretty much fanatic enough for me. If someone"attacks" first by saying there's no both options isn't he disrespecting me?
Edited 7 years ago
Real 51 comments
· 7 years ago
You don't understand. I'm talking about the timeless existance in everything there is that has no beginning and no end. In that forever existance everything has happened. Cause it's there since forever. It has no limitations of "can't happen" ... Everything already happened. Multiverse is A MUST. Doubting it is stupid