legalize it 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Well than. I have medicinal marijuana for epilepsy. It helps me, I don't have 100 seizures a day tho. Marijuana is illegal for 2 reasons. It was classified as drug equal to meth, crack or heroin. Plus growing your own medicine would bring no money to the HUGE pharmaceutical companies. Bonus- the word Marijuana was created in the refer madness era to sound scarier than cannabis. Since brain surgery I've been PRO BUD. Opioid dependency alone is a huge reason alone to legalize cannabis. Off my soap box*
Ain't it the truth 3 comments
“What’s a computer?” 8 comments
· 6 years ago
She looks so smug when she says it. Gurl... You damn well know what a computer is!
Step up, Europe 85 comments
· 7 years ago
No one's picking a fight except Trump. He's removing policies and treaties that have been on the books since before most of us were born. Why? He's a mad man that seems to want to change everything to help the rich man.
Running with epilepsy 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I have Grand maul seizures just about monthly, they look like Katie's but I do not pop back up and continue to run lol. It causes me to become very aggressive, even fighting and taking my cloths off for about 45 minutes. After that I can barely walk or talk, extremely fatigued for 24 hours. I do have medical marijuana. It does help with my condition because it allows me to go further between doses of my chalky pills. If I don't take the pills I still have seizures, weed or not... If anyone cares :) seizures suck! It's really cool that this video was posted thank you lightyear!
Running with epilepsy 5 comments
Stay at school, don't do drugs, check your facts 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I will eventually need brain surgery to cure my epilepsy. I will be awake for the procedure to check on my motor skills and language. Now you know
The only hero I deserve 28 comments
· 7 years ago
They could be having an argument and she said, I don't want your damn jacket! After he offered it
American movies logic 8 comments
My Mom's Lich King Cosplay 7 comments
The End of the World 12 comments
· 7 years ago
How fitting in our modern times. Just need some schfifty five to bring us back 10+ years
Yo tho 4 comments
You done f*cked up 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I've had 2, I lost all 4 of those friends. Looking back they we're not worth keeping
You done f*cked up 7 comments
What the holy hell 9 comments
· 7 years ago
A Flounder/halibut has eyes on both sides when it's young. When it gets older they slowly move to both sides, so it can lay flat on the bottom... Now you know
Shit is dope 10 comments
· 7 years ago
If I'm not mistaken the first president to ban hemp, adding marijuana in there was a tree tycoon.
Best reason to go to Iceland 27 comments
· 7 years ago
5k a MONTH, maybe a 5k initial to cover moving costs. Still that's a good deal. A friend of mine was paid 10k by a girls parents to marry her, from Slovenia. Wait it's false.
Edited 7 years ago