

— Typow777 Report User
How to measure remaining daylight with your hand 9 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
Art of manliness is awesome! Love those articles. Most Recent is how to ram a road block ha!
Homeboy genie 2 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
Booooo, if it's not stuffed crust I'm not interested. Expecily if it's thin burnt crust! No thank you!
2020 here we come 6 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
This isn't real ... Is it? Bernie would sit next to that man?
Ouch 18 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
I find it so difficult to have all opinions, ideas and beliefs determined by just two sides. That's why Im an independent
Get down with the sickness 7 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
I hope Reily feels better
Typographic art 10 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
I definitely agree. The show was best before his sons became involved
· Edited 5 years ago
Typographic art 10 comments
typow777 · 5 years ago
King Ragnar!
Strongest avenger 13 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Spoilers ... Thanks
Crazy people 36 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Some people do the same with fishing. The first nice fish they bite the head off. Deer are somewhat "invasive species" With no natural predators (left) they reproduce like crazy... Ruining golf courses and my damn bushes!! Rat bastards!
Sad 6 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Wooo Wawa!! Better than RoFo
If you make me stay out past 2:00 am I hate you. 4 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
This is why I drive separately, no ones telling me I'm not leaving!
Stopping a saw instantly 1 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure its a auto brake that is triggered by moisture. Cool video out there with a table saw stopping before scratching (badly) a hotdog
3 · Edited 6 years ago
I wanna show you something really really beautiful 4 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
That supercharger doe
Upvote frozen pizza badger for no bites on your next pizza 2 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Mmmmm stuffed crust
Ernest Hemingway is tough to kill 12 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
He tried walking into a planes moving propeller, than jumping out of the same plane twice. It's really scary (to me) that after all of his accomplishments he was determined to end it all
Lawn mower on a rope 5 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
"I'll just leave this wood here" 2 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Very satisfying
Conversation was too successful 2 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
New Assassin's Creed?
Realistic 56 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
If we take it beyond the game, sure women did special ops, operate tanks and fly planes. No problem, of course they did. As far as women on the front lines face to face with a 6'4 250lb male Nazi...
Realistic 56 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Wait just a minute, this may go very wrong for me, but ... the woman of WWII we're mostly in the "We Can Do It" section. Such as factories for the planes and tanks. Not so much the front lines unless they were nurses. Women in general were definitely on the front lines, just not so much shooting at Nazis.
You know you are old if you had one of these bad boys 13 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
I remember when I upgraded to a mp3 CD player. It would only last one week on 2 AAs
Harmless bee 5 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Yep, my father in law catches them in a butterfly net than steps on them. They bore holes in his timber frame home. Lil bastards
Chinese developments 4 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
The city Yujiapu was empty in 2014. Now larger companies are filling in.
Mark Zukerberg is dying soon 6 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Careful that could be seen as a threat these days
That's right 1 comments
typow777 · 6 years ago
Supra :)