

— Typow777 Report User
Yeah.. Nice.. Bendover boy 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Gta 3 all over again, looks like miami vice.
· Edited 3 years ago
Post loading 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Wtf board is that? The longest lumber is usually 16' long. very aqward and usually not straight
Giving a samurai sword its curve 7 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Katanas were made up on a mountain somewhere in japan
How bad is your eyesight 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Enough to drive doe ...
Trouble in the Animal Kingdom 1 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Someone called my mom a brick shit house back in the 70s .. and go .. do with that what you will ..
liked 7 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Looks like a small .22
777 Completed 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Hell yeah
meth 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
The cigarette makes it perfect
Damn thats a 6 streak combo drift 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Holy moly
Mistakes were made 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
This smooth wave made from a boat 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Boats are the best
Lesson 101 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
That's what happens with a camo hat, cut off sleeves, tight blue jeans and steel toe boots
These things are turning up everywhere 8 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
7 years sober. Treated myself to a chip! ???? 8 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
This is the way
When you're winding your girl up so she's mad at you 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Yeah, when my wife gets upset I hug her close and say no, no, it's ok, no, no shhhh .. like a little kid having a tantrum
Lung capacity tester 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Didn't put his finger on the shotgun ..
Going somewhere, Solo? 1 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I love how most of the aliens are human - earth bodies - with a different head. Some far far away universe ... The same evolved physical bodies .. just a different skull. Amusing
Debate me 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Ooo link plz
Flatten the curve 8 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
This clip originally showed this as nuclear fusion, the chain reaction .. I think
Just act normal. Lmao! No! 6 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
CBS did a story on raccoons, if racoons had thumbs we would be different people
Jeff Goldblum dipping my fiance at a charity event 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
He's quite the womanizer. My sister worked at apartments . com. Jeff would always make quite inappropriate comments about the Ladies. I mean he sure looks like one too. Giving someone else's wife a seductive motion.. I'll be Damned!
Purple drawing I finished today 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Pinball wizard pokemaster
A 400kw lightbar 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Holy moly