

— Typow777 Report User
Why is everyone so stupid 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Build on pilings .. I did
Australia 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
It's karaoke time! 5 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I think I've seen this one
Totes yeet yo 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Oh bother 6 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Oh bother
How do u spell gorgus 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I was doing a English lesson on tenses. Improper, proper, simple contrast connections... I didn't pass the test .
Big girl 5 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I prefer the SS United States. Still Blue Riband holder
Who didn’t chew tf out of these 5 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
My Senior prank was 10 people dumping 15,000 bounci balls into the hallways at lunch
Time/switching classes. The principal fell hard, resulting in hard punishments
Now that I look back on it .. 20 duffle bags of balls would be frowned upon these days. Back when we had no mall cop security guard
duuude 6 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
The final fight of Star wars blowing up hundreds of the star destroyers. How a about the millions of people on those ships...
Let's get this to top of 24 hours when the Americans are asleep 7 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Never said It was, she's practicing good gun handling
Let's get this to top of 24 hours when the Americans are asleep 7 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Never keep your finger on the trigger
Avenue of Giants 14 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
It's unbelievably beautiful. Unlike anything anywhere else in the world. Most of the 20' wide trees are the babies of the true giants since cut down. Most of the ones today if you look just right they are growing off the stumps of their ancestors
Feels bad man 3 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
It bums me out, try very hard not to think about the early 2000s when bitcoin was less than 1$ and not having convinced my parents to let me buy 10 or 20 or 100
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher arrive at the United Nations 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I love how she's holding the pistol, as if it was a water gun
Oh yes pixelated 2 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
That game is fantastic
Ah yes, people 4 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
So many aggressive words in there!
The face of betrayal 7 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I think we all knew this already. Incognito just don't give you cookie/adds
Its on the tip of my tongue 10 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Those were the days
Cinememe... Guess the movie 18 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Good bad ugly
What a wacist 5 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
That escalated quickly
Tanks have hops like you wouldn't believe 6 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Seat belts perhaps?
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
It's ok E .. it's fun to watch Famous get all worked up over his fighting for his rights speeches
Sounds like somebody needs some civil disobedience 12 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
Let them eat cake
It seems yesterday we still posted history memes. Oh yeah, we did 1 comments
typow777 · 3 years ago
I have a tab open of 7yo funsubstance. Classics, times were simpler than. More memes and less other not funny things