

— Typow777 Report User
Scawy Needwe UwU 15 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
And those are the minor symptoms
Just saying .. 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I see the trash can when he throws them all away
TW Political meme! 8 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Good one hehe
What do you call them 18 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Getting high 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I am working on replacing my cloths with hemp. Patagonia has some great hemp pants
Getting high 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I was waiting for the pun or smart ass comment at the end like the pilots will be to stoned to fly or hard stoners are tough to get high up.
The whole Apple vs Samsung thing is dumb 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
The pixel 6 is terrific
The whole Apple vs Samsung thing is dumb 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I like my pixel
Love yous! 13 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
No thank you
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Holey Moley .Get over it. Im glad I just discovered how to unfollow comment notifications
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Thanks, now I know
The Family is in financial hardship rn 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Did you know Vin diesel has a twin brother?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Since the 3 of us are still here. Where is the line between kids bringing a gun to school vs a public crowd of people. Is it in the 2nd amendment to not bring a semi automatic rifle into a group of children vs a group of adults?
The most recent shooting at a school was a 15 year old claiming self defense. Where's the line between 15 and 17 taking a gun somewhere they definitely shouldn't.
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I've said my piece.
A few posts back.
Someone has to help represent the rest of the country and how we believe Kyle was in the wrong. It's just us in here now. No one else is following this post or having this debate under this post.
It's amusing how aggressive you few people get. I've not said anything personal about any of you. Only expressing my different opinion
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
You sure like to compare rape to gun rights
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
They see the world differently than you
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Iccarus your not the only one who thinks this way. Not many people want to read these twos rants so they don't say anything.
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
You guys are fun. At-least you have a spot to vent here so that's nice. I don't read your lengthy books btw
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
At-least Arbury in Georgia had some justice. Same self defense laws loop hope bullshit
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Your right iccarus. The few people watching this are set in their ways. If Kyle didn't have a rifle to protect a used car lot that night he wouldn't be a killer today
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Holy Molly . Chill pill . Im sorry for ever chatting with you
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Of course he has every right to defend him self. It was his decision to put himself in that position. Im not vilifying him. I'm saying it was a poor decision to be out there that night, regardless of how the night ended up.
I'm also not defending myself against any of you, I've lost count on how many Trumpers are in here. I'm giving my opinion just the same as all of you.
Like it or not you will hear my opinion again. Maybe one day I'll have a star next to my name.
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Nice try.
Why try to defend my and million's of other different opinions, the 3 of you won't back down on your opinions so why try?
Pathetic ? Maybe, that's your opinion too.
You and everyone else all know it was his choice to be out that night.
If he wasn't out there - he would not be close to going to prison.
Alone, with others, defending property or just looking for a thrill.
It was his decision to go out that night and his decision alone.
· Edited 2 years ago
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
You guys are right. No need to argue over the internet
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
A school Is a big part of the community