

— Typow777 Report User
I Mean Yeah, What Did He Think Was Gonna Happen? 5 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Oh clever
Wonder if they'd have dinner together 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Why hello Clarice
Staged or not? 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Five fingers to the face? S.M.A.C.K
This Must Be How They Get in Your Area 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I LOVE the title.
It's reasonable to be angry. 53 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
This has been fun to see famous shut down. Where were you guys during the Brandon fiasco of a court case?
It's reasonable to be angry. 53 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Here's another - Fake News -
"The government spending is doing the exact reverse, reducing the national debt." 25 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Ooo another argument over the internet because of conflicting opinions.
I'm going to chip in my - Fake News -
Seriously, some of the things people are saying is just gross 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
It's only a matter of time before all of us are very involved.
Russia Man, Slavic equivalent to Florida Man 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Be a Shame for the tides to turn and Russias nice buildings blown the fuck up by artillery from the Ukraine side of the line
Take it with humour 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Is it though?
I wonder what the Key to this Stone-y problem might be 18 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Well said
The Endurance has been discovered 3 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Great post!
It's Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance
Kind of a big deal
Dandelions 10 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
The dandelion plant has a super deep tap root. Mature plants roots are over 1ft deep. Breaking if you yank the plant. The entire thing needs to be dug out. Pain in the ass
If I don't fits I kicks 11 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I'll drive to the station and make you play it 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Sirius XM .. peasant and your commercials
Slava Ukraine 5 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Talk of charging Putin and his cronies with war crimes and the British pushing ground troops in
A hat, a hat, my Delaware for a Top hat 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Wait a minute I like Delaware
Vladimir V. Putin loves History Lessons, here's one 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Is this going to be where we talk about it? I was waiting for somewhere to start it.. scary stuff over there. Think Putin will stop at Ukraine?
Sounds like communism but ok. 3 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Dolly parton also has a book program to send young kids books as they grow older. Once a month they send one to young kids
Check the comments 11 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
A dealer around me, so the story goes.. A desler was putting out some heron and the addict asked him/needed a needle. The DLR went down to his car, grabbed a needle and walking back in he stuck the needle into a dead raccoon in the yard. Than passed it on to the guy.
Clean needles help addicts.
Sort like when state emergencies are declared and everything is closed.. not the liquor stores.
All addictions are hurtful and need help to bring them back into society.. oops there I go again throwing out opinions again.
Some memes will never get old 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
This is VERY funny being an uncle who bought a NFT and very much looking forward to another being minted on Feb 23rd
Scawy Needwe UwU 15 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
And those are the minor symptoms
Just saying .. 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I see the trash can when he throws them all away
TW Political meme! 8 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Good one hehe