

— Typow777 Report User
Don't do drügs!! 10 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Eggs? Stoner bashing time
A story in two parts 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Big ol tittie's there! I hope those bags are frozen
4 hours on the counter
4 days in the fridge
4 months in the freezer
Trust the science, unless it's about nuclear power 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Have no fear for atomic energy. Cuz none of them can stop the times.
I have always liked the concept of small nuclear systems. A small system for a single town. or even the idea of such a small system being your car. Like a battery that becomes your source of power at home or at work.
Classic 6 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
The answer is 67
Pyoingngngngn 11 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Oh my
Thanks lady 3 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Alot of jeep people have theses on their hoods. About 1% use them for anything at all.
When was the last time YOU lifted your car?
What did OP think cats do at night? 5 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Someone in my neighborhood was walking a cat on a leash. The cat was over it and refused to walk anymore and needed to be picked up.
Gotta love Weird Al 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Oh man thank you. Never seen this one. Now I've been drawn to Amish paradise. It's a luliby for my daughter. We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish paradise.
That's a comforting thought 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Evidently this happened around my town on this day 20 years Ago. The left overs of the two victims were found in the dump 50 miles up the road. They only found who did it was the victim had a bracelet on that someone else recognized at the bar they left when they were taken
Problem 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
What tank is this?
Aged like fine milk 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I am accepting the fact that I'm addicted to the endorphins that video games bring me. Way back to RuneScape and a full load of iron or finding a few diamonds deep in a cave on Minecraft or finding the perfect planet on NMS or delivering that final load of bricks to complete a contract in Snowrunner... First step is admitting.
Or finally landing a slow prop plane on a short runway in the Alps after flying past the Matterhorn.. can't forget that rush!
· Edited 2 years ago
Toad for me 10 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Be kind! Destroy the system! 13 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I don't say I'm sorry. I've done it/said it for a reason. It has to be something worth being sorry. Its unfortunate who say sorry for everything, brings it to being over used.
Like - guest I only read the last few sentences in your wordy comments... Oops I mean sorry I dont read them all
The new flag of Canada 1 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Meta :)
Just gotta keep them in their place 10 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
The Sims and Spore are about it
knowledge 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I was told the idea of . The Earth being billion's of years old. How selfish individual people not just our 80 +/- years but all man kind would be on this planet with a world changing event. Something like an asteroid or Yellowstone volcano erupting. Adds a huge new perspective for me
Shark Wars Episode VI: Return of the Terry 7 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Legos have started a series of plants and flowers. A beautiful cherry blossom bonsai, orchids, sunflowers, daisy's and a beautiful bouquet of flowers that will never die.
Oh shit bro 8 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
That's just a risk we take.
Mustache power 1 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Mustache Power
Soggy bacon brain 11 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
My brain has multiple chunks of fat, called cavernous angiomas. Many people have One or two that are in the middle of the tissue and don't hurt anything. One of mine is close to a large blood vessel. The chunk will short circuit and cause the electric system to overload and cause a seizure. My medicine lowers the electric overload keeping the entire system from shutting down and resetting.
Brains man ...
"wow he did so much homework" 2 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Is this true? I've heard of this since the 90s
When the game makes you get on the pain train 1 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
Is this roller coaster tycoon?
I go for 1 or 4 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I'm a pretty consistent 3
Constr-Octo 4 comments
typow777 · 2 years ago
I love old cartoons and their Corn Cobb pipes