The price of freedom 3 comments
· 2 years ago
How about Vietnam? Or them damn Mongolians
Damn 2 comments
I'll just move into the kitchen 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Same. My babies room has been getting down into the 60s at night. I'm turning on the baseboard heater tonight so it will be warmer... So she sleeps in longer .. gotta air out that stinky burning smell first lol
I'll just move into the kitchen 4 comments
· 2 years ago
My backroom/addition/laundry room I keep the thermostat colder in the winter. No need to keep my freezer and dryer warmer.
He ain’t half wrong 7 comments
· 2 years ago
My best friend got married on Friday. 150 people, everyone dressed beautifully and handsome. Nice suits and dresses. The grooms dad wore a let's go Brandon hat.. perfect representation of a Trump fan.. political statement at your son's wedding?
Shit was literally used as a currency once 1 comments
Wholesome 2 comments
Wisdom of the ages 1 comments
Memes are more trustworthy than CNN or Fox 1 comments
Good dog 7 comments
· 2 years ago
My area has unbelievable development A 100 acre farm field being sold when the old man farmer dies. Bought by a developer and puts up hundreds of homes. Same with wooded lots. Tear it all down and put up a parking lot. The animals have no where to go. Oh see a fox or a raccoon mid day .. it has rabies! No it's home is gone forever.
Trains vs car 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Some rural counties are to spread out for no cars. My town was originated on a railway line to move farmers fruits and produce up to the city. A long 200 straighten stretch ending in the big cities. The railway was formed back in the 1800s so the other transportation was horse's. My towns we're established around lakes along the tracks. The towns are roughly 15 to 20 miles apart. In the day you could ride up to the next town then return home in the same day. Or you could ride up two towns, spend the night and come home the next day. Now it only takes 15 minutes to get from Walmart to Walmart.
Won't someone think of the tryouts?! 1 comments
· 2 years ago
I live on a small creek off the ocean. The tides are slowly rising. A simple North wind blowing water up my river and a full moon high tide the water is in my yard and over the road.