

— Typow777 Report User
Future Queen Elizabeth working as a mechanic during WW2. Colorized 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Lotta torque there.. break your arm like that.
Life after 35 amirite 2 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Or avoid toxic smoke in the air from wild fires
Epic dialectics moment 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
This is true for Airbnb too. Home owners would rather 1000 a week rental vs 1000 a month. Cool sure yeah.. this also results in absolutely no houses Available for people who live here. A big part of why young people cannot afford to live on their own. The houses that are available are way to damn high.
Let’s see how interesting this gets 7 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
But can you live in one? 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
We're used to it now. Highway exit ramps.
Bottom right 3 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Back pocket*
Just saying .. 13 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Yeah pro I'm pro gun too.. couple in my cabinet. The 2nd amendment was for single shot muzzle loaders. Not for semi auto large capacity magazine kill everyone in multiple room riffles.
I swear this is what businesses are like 2 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
I respect businesses more who use $50 vs $49.99
Imagine losing your virginity to a dog 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
He sure looks distressed
No Todd's Sky (I am looking forward to seeing more) 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Hopefully it's not put off another year
Can I phone a friend? 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
This is a tricky one
It's as old as I am. 3 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
I think it has human languages carved on it for if aliens find the satellite. One is an Elton John song and Johnny be Good. I think
Please stop doing this 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
After many years it's arguably one of the best games ever created.
I am this old .. and from a parallel, more advanced, universe 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Ewe think of all the buttons impossible to sanitize all the nooks and crannies
Sniff sniff 1 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Boo hoo.. run into a crowd of people with an assault rifle.. judge - no that's fine
If you don't know keep it that way 5 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Sounds like a modern version of rotten
I didn't even have to think for a second... 5 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Yeah. Hear that. Didn't have to look.
Le French otter, no mess with! 2 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
This is a perfect representation of rural America. At-least where I live. Right next to .. they took our jerbs
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
I'm saying the 2(3) means 6 before the 6÷2
Answer is definitely 1
How could this happen to me!!! 2 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
The AK47
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Isn't it
than 6÷6
Multiplication before division.
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
I'm pretty sure it's 1
Go back to sleep tbh lol 4 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Go fish 2 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
Try fly fishing. Way more fun and challenging. Makes the experience more intimate
I learned a fact yesterday… 4 comments
typow777 · 1 year ago
George Carlin is great