Sometimes you find a gem in the comments 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Do you mind if I steal option 1?
Overwrought long roasted Marten 6 comments
The power of a space bar 21 comments
· 6 years ago
Ohhh, okay now I see. Yeah something like that would never be an issue in probably 95%+ languages, and for those that do, any half decent IDE would pick it up.
The power of a space bar 21 comments
The power of a space bar 21 comments
I'm here to save MCU 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Laughter is the best medicine, and Scott is freaking hilarious. So hopefully he's funny enough to revive half of all living things in the universe.
The power of a space bar 21 comments
· 6 years ago
Same here. I call it "debugging while running". But I print the line number that my print statement is on, to make it even easier to find.
The power of a space bar 21 comments
Excessive m*sturbation is not a desire skill 7 comments
Nephson 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm not saying that another president in the world has a family member names Ivanka. But the statement from Nelson said that "The president" and "Ivanka". Didn't mention any family member/incest crap. So what I said was logically correct, but completely irrelevant to the context of this comment thread.
People these days 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Same here. Like he dedicated his whole life for the improvement of the lives of witches, wizards, and the general understanding of magic and its uses.
It has to be said 13 comments
In response to Red Bull Stratos, Slim Jim has sponsored the shortest freefall of all time 3 comments
Nephson 8 comments
· 6 years ago
There is more than one country in the world, with most having a president. And more than 1 person with the name Ivanka.
Test 8 comments
· 6 years ago
You have a point. A very good point.
But at the same time, it comes down to personal preference. People should never make someone feel bad for any of the things that you mentioned, but they do have a right to walk away from that person if they feel like it is important to them. It's not a "so what if she's done _________" matter. It's a personal preference, but they also have a responsibility to not hurt that person for their own personal preference.
But at the same time, it comes down to personal preference. People should never make someone feel bad for any of the things that you mentioned, but they do have a right to walk away from that person if they feel like it is important to them. It's not a "so what if she's done _________" matter. It's a personal preference, but they also have a responsibility to not hurt that person for their own personal preference.
It's tough 19 comments
It's tough 19 comments
It's tough 19 comments
It's tough 19 comments
The more you know 7 comments
· 6 years ago
We literally just agreed on the fact that it depends on a person's opinion. So please present your argument as your opinion, not as a fact.
The more you know 7 comments
· 6 years ago
That's true, but I think it also depends on the agreement and understanding you have with your significant other. People are very different in the way they perceive these matters.
Such a bad idea 10 comments