Kaleb Barber


Kaleb Barber Report User
That's such a relief 4 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
generally that is about the time one realizes they don't have their shit together.
Oh Betty 6 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
balls make testosterone, which empowers males uniquely to make stupid choices against their better judgement.
Why are we not funding this? 43 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
at the price of about 300$ per night 50$ per 30 min massage 20$ per tray of food, additional fees for particularly difficult room service. 100$ a minute with the band member, 20$ needs to be carried about fee, and additionally one would be expected to tip just about everybody helping you. Such places exist, but not in your budget hun.
Hollywood prankster 6 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
wasnt this 2017 though?
Look at the audience 18 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
Dads looking up for their daughters
Worst power you can be stuck with? 168 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
a severe apathy to the point that i might not even want to help myself for lack of a care to give
113ft deep swimming pool 8 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
for more youtube y 40 jump. its a frenchie who does it, but its really cool
Designer dad recreates son drawings 15 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
the picture you can draw vs the picture inside your head
Gravity, you're stoned.... 6 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
<i> suck it newton! </i>
What a mad man! He's living the dream! 5 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
and here we see an excellent depiction of thermo-dynamics and fluid dynamics combining to create some very interesting curves.
Tell me what you've found 31 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
Its the little details in life that make it worth it
Mechanical snake - why? Why engineers? 7 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
what darthsagacious said, and also, its going to be a fantastic rubble searching tool. its like a bore scope on steroids.
Farm kid 9 comments
undead_red · 7 years ago
*continues slow clapping*
Grass give horses the fast 7 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
He has a point. a very good point.
For all those tinfoil hatters out there 22 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
of course the earth isn't flat, its round and sitting on top of a turtles back. which itself is standing on another turtle. Its turtles all the way down, and we glide through the heavens on our infinite turtle fortress.
We've been here 7 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
Unfortunitly there are only some of us who were taught by our fathers how to tie a tie
The International Flag of Planet Earth 70 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
Id be down if there was a third color, and the outer rings were cardioids. you know, something a little more interesting
Imagine If sky whales were real! How majestic it would be? 27 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
Yea, until one craps on your car and totals it, or an awnry sky whale headbutts your office
Kinda true 3 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
Fun fact: CPR in an actual emergency always lasts a lifetime.
America on Mars 2 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
Imagine. a world without war. Co-habitation and collaboration that is so strong between the people that there is not time for violence, there is no reason for wicked plots, and it is far easier to ask than take. I can imagine this world, and i also imagine us sneaking up from the backside of their moon. They would never expect it. they wouldn't stand a chance.
Worth a read 158 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
this is feminism. its funny. there is a simple answer. one anyone can take, but few do. violence is the answer. pure unadulterated emotion. people respond well to power and action.
Would you? 44 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
hell, people pay 100k to do that, much less get paid 100k
German student invents electromagnetic harvester 1 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
HAHAHAH... thats been around for decades.
Coffee temperature by minutes 5 comments
undead_red · 8 years ago
not the case as demonstrated by newton's laws of thermal cooling