

— unicycle Report User
College education in different countries 21 comments
unicycle · 8 years ago
As a European citizen, I'm happy that my tax money is going toward things like education and healthcare for everyone. I'd rather pay more so that some poor kid can go to university or that a single mother of 4 won't have to worry much about doctor's bills. These programs give people opportunities and support that they wouldn't have had otherwise, and I think that many Americans would agree with me that the benefits outweigh the costs.
Survival tips: Psychology 8 comments
unicycle · 8 years ago
Honest to god psychologist here: the real psychological trick in this post is the one that makes these seem just convincing enough that they could be true. (Spoiler alert: most of these are fake).
Describe this picture with just one word 54 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Bingo 11 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
To be honest there's been many times where I've walked past a guy and thought: "Dude would benefit from some contouring" or "PLEASE pencil in your eyebrows for the love of God" or "Have you even heard of concealer??"
how many parent do we have here? 28 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Mine was not planned so I was trying to write a bloody dissertation and do lab work while 8-9 months so I know all about trouble. But I love the little bugger.
how many parent do we have here? 28 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
I gotta say, when I was pregnant I was really hoping for a girl. But now that I have a son I really can't imagine having a girl. So you may be surprised how much changes. Anyway congrats :)
There is something quite wonderful about this photo 10 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Wow! I've never seen a punk approached in the wild like this! They're usually quite skittish so this boy must've found a docile one.
You're normal 39 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
In order to be diagnosed with a mental disorder, it has to be a disorder. It has to reach a certain threshold where it becomes difficult for the patient to function normally. We all get depressed sometimes, especially after certain triggering events, but it can't be diagnosed as depression unless certain conditions are met. So you may have some of the symptoms of depression, but you can't be considered "depressed" until you meet the base-level conditions that are typically universally applicable.
Hi puppy 8 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Whenever I'm walking with my son and we see a dog we both say "Puppy!" and go for it at the exact same time. He's 2, I'm 28, #noregrets.
I'm a French exchange student in Brazil, the struggle is real 8 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
When I moved to Sweden the first few months were me just smiling, nodding, and hoping that nobody asked me a question other than "How are you?" or "What time is it?"
so much truth 9 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Called mine "the tumor" literally up until he was born. That definitely earned me a lot of funny looks in public.
The Banach-Tarski Paradox explained. 12 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Thanks for posting this! I have a PhD in theoretical physics and I am amazed at how accessible this video makes concepts that people spend years studying! This is my first Vsauce experience but I'm about to go watch more.
Genius life saving idea 5 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Yo, there's a lot more to leaving an abusive relationship than cleverness. Most abusers make it incredibly difficult to leave, using fear and financial dependency to keep their victims close. Don't shit on people for not being able to leave abusive situations.
The battle of the century 5 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Godzilla vs Kat Kong
Am I doing it right? 10 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
As a bona fide adult with a house, two PhDs, a husband, and a kid, I can tell you that this is all you need to know about adulting.
Better tuition system 44 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
What's bad about socialism? My husband got his PhD for free, and my first was affordable on an average salary. Anyone who wants to pursue an education should be able to without either saving for years or being put in ridiculous debt. I don't know why socialism is such a dirty word for so many people.
Awesome cover up tattoo 9 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Some artists specialise in tattooing scars so ask around and I'm sure you'll find someone in your area. Good luck!
Awesome cover up tattoo 9 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
I don't mind at all! I have a phoenix on the left side of my ribs which took 4 sessions and hurt like a bitch. On the right side I have a dragon, and I recently got Thor's hammer on my right wrist. My first tattoo was a fob watch with space pouring out of it, an idea I got from Doctor Who which was my favourite program as a child.
Awesome cover up tattoo 9 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
I've heard that back-of-hand and top-of-foot actually hurt the worst. From my experience, my rib tattoos hurt much more than my wrist ones.
Chris Pratt inspiration and tumblr fags 16 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
You're right. You caught me. My whole argument is invalid. Congrats. I'll revise my statement: Although it's difficult to pinpoint any one majority on a website as diverse as tumblr, from my observations I'd say that the majority of tumblr users are reasonable people, and the feminazi SJWs are a loud but small percentage of tumblr's overall population.
Chris Pratt inspiration and tumblr fags 16 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Tumblr is so diverse, nothing is a majority. If you want to see SJW posts, you'll find them. If you want to follow white supremacists, there's plenty of those too. Even on this post a SJW tried to take it over and a reasonable person completely shut them down. I'd say the majority of tumblr is reasonable people.
I'm not complaining 10 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Composition of guys' photos:
20% look at my cool hat with the tags still on
25% look at my face and my pained expression cause I'm so deep and sensitive
55% look at my abs/biceps/muscles
Truth has been spoken 33 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
You can't just look at someone and determine their chromosomes. And differentiating between a "real" man and not a real man sounds an awful lot like the people who say "You're not a real woman unless you've had children." If you're a woman and you exist, you're a real woman. If you're a man and you exist, you're a real man.
Truth has been spoken 33 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Again, the Y chromosome doesn't have to be present for someone to be a man.
Truth has been spoken 33 comments
unicycle · 9 years ago
Sorry to tell you that there are men that don't have penises and that doesn't make them any less real or valid than those that do.