

— unicycle Report User
Well duh 49 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
But nothing about the job encourages someone to do more than the bare minimum to "prove" themselves. These jobs tend to provide little pay and few opportunities to advance and earn more. So why would someone spend their maximum effort if there's no way for it to pay off, even in the form of encouraging words from a supervisor. I think that if there were higher wages and more respect given to these positions, even the "worthless fuck ups" would increase their output.
Well duh 49 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
It's been shown that people work harder when they're shown encouragement and assistance instead of strict rules. Why are we punishing people for taking entry level jobs? What's the motivation to act professional if they are treated like animals, not professionals? Why should they have to earn respect when they're already doing a job that's harder than it looks and I wouldn't want to do?
Well duh 49 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
@guest_ It sounds like you want to see "professionalism" to know if they deserve a wage increase, but how can you expect people to respect their jobs when the jobs don't treat them with respect? It can't just be a wage increase, the entire attitude towards these workers must change. Managers and higher-ups must treat them with dignity, give them enough hours so they don't have to work a second job, and stop acting as though every worker below such-and-such level is replaceable. For people to act professional they need to be treated as such.
Majestic friendly cloud 5 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
I have a Samoyed too! Terrible guard dog (he's blind) but a great floof!
Candice is good people 16 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
After doing the 30 seconds of googling that you apparently won't, I cannot find any mention of these rooms being messed up. The owner of the Amber Inn was nothing but supportive of the efforts to house people and even lowered the rates so more rooms could be used. Not to mention, there were hundreds of donations to both the organisers and the hotel - enough to cover any damages.
Lyft being wholesome 12 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Emergency vehicles have flashing lights so not hearing sirens isn't a big issue. And some places like NYC have bans on honking, so horns aren't necessary for driving and are often more of a distraction.
Candice is good people 16 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
What the fuck kind of question is that? Does it truly matter if they "respected" the rooms? Even if every single person absolutely trashed and wrecked their room (like so many rock stars, teenagers, and hardcore partiers have done), isn't that better than people freezing to death outside?
Puns...Puns everywhere 5 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
A will is a legal document that designates where your assets (money, property, etc.) will go when you die. So it's a dead giveaway in that it gives away your things once you're dead. "Dead giveaway" is also a phrase for something completely obvious, like a clue that solves the whole case. So the definition of a will should be a dead giveaway - completely obvious and something that gives your things away.
Someone had to say it 16 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Unfortunately, the Academy Awards aren't judged blind which would allow the best art to win. There are internal politics and bigotry that get in the way of a fair contest. When women have been excluded from directing and writing big-name films and films made by women have been undervalued or ignored by the Academy, it's important to note their absence. Feminism isn't saying that a man who makes a good movie shouldn't be recognised, but rather women shouldn't be prevented from making good movies.
Yeah... White people 8 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
"You make this joke when eating chips!"
"Oh yeah? Well you have no father and get harassed by the police!"
Uncle Ben 2 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
She does! In the eighties there was "Spider Ma'am" who said she's "just your friendly neighborhood aunt!"
‘nuff said 17 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
@catfluff That's totally fine. I'm glad you're taking it seriously and that you want to take care of yourself. Nobody goes into therapy perfect, and you wouldn't be wasting anyone's time even if you weren't trying 100%. It's a process and a professional can help you to help yourself. Best of luck and I'm rooting for you!
‘nuff said 17 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
@catfluff Just so you know there might be free/low-cost counseling offered through community programs in your area. Or if you reach out to a therapist they may be able to work out a lower price/payment plan with you. Most people just want to help as many people as they can!
How to get better 4 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Community organisations often offer free or low-cost counseling to those in need. And many therapists in private practice are willing to work out affordable pricing or a payment plan that's best for you. Finances shouldn't be a barrier to getting care and many many people are willing to help!
Interesting 10 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
For people in abusive relationships, giving birth might be the only time they're allowed in a hospital/allowed to be alone with someone who can help. It can be the only time to reach someone who couldn't get help otherwise.
RIP libraries 13 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
I suppose I should've said "sit comfortably" instead of relax but even so, some people don't find nature relaxing. Not everyone has a home, and not everyone's home is a particularly safe or restful environment. Libraries also have resources that people might not be able to access otherwise, like computers, magazines, and reference books. Not to mention any public outdoor space won't be comfortable when it's too hot, too cold, raining, or snowing. And many outdoor spaces aren't accessible for people with mobility issues, while most libraries are.
RIP libraries 13 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Also all of the listed places are outdoors (excepting the rare free museum). Libraries allow people to get out of the elements and provide comfortable places to relax (it's hard to relax on a sidewalk or hiking trail).
So, Monty Python was right 24 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Don't feed meat to pet rabbits! Their bodies can't process that much protein and they could die. Wild rabbits are a different species and their diets shouldn't be a guideline for your pet's. Cats can get meat snacks but not salami as it's too salty.
Is it really difficult for some men to believe women can be both smart and beautiful? 20 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
I was working in a physics lab where it was about 20:1 men to women. I was the only woman in my department and if I wasn't angry, I wouldn't have made it at all. I needed the anger to keep fighting for my ideas and motivate myself. It was an incredibly shitty environment and being bitter and angry was the only justified response. Just brushing it off and keeping my head down wouldn't have gotten me anywhere and would've made me feel like crap every day when I got home.
How to spoil a herd of cats 10 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Wait, what? Cats were domesticated because they liked the shelter humans gave them but it's cruel and selfish to keep them indoors? Is it less cruel to let a cat get hit by a car? Or killed by foxes/wolves/coyotes? Or contract feline AIDS? Cats can get plenty of exercise and stimulation indoors, and not everyone lives in areas where it's safe to let cats outside.
Brilliant 5 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
So giving birth isn't very pleasant, but your brain is wired to forget most of the pain and suffering and mostly just remember the good bits. That's why women who are screaming "NEVER AGAIN!!!" while in labour often end up pregnant again a few years later (speaking from experience, lol).
Thanks to the internet, millenials can't even inherit 22 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Lol, yikes.
Thanks to the internet, millenials can't even inherit 22 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
What if I told you that someone can love and respect their parents while also criticising the attitudes many older folks hold about young people?
Non Meat side? Really? Go have your own cookout 5 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
This gets posted a lot and every time it's a dick move. Someone asks if they can be accommodated and gets the most childish reply. If it was anything other than vegetarianism it'd be clear how ridiculous the reaction is. "Want to come to my cookout?" "I don't drink, will there be room in the cooler for my sodas?" "Lol, nvm, it's canceled."
Please..I'm broke 12 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
If you're not writing your paper at the last minute, email the author of the article and ask them to send you a copy! We don't get any money when you pay to access a journal, and are elated when people contact us about our work!