Relatable with younger siblings 15 comments
Chose your heroes wisely 12 comments
There, it's fixed 11 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 614
TLDR: Context is important but so are the individual meanings we get from things.
TLDR: Context is important but so are the individual meanings we get from things.
Beyond stupid 12 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 299
TLDR: If we want, we can read deeply into memes and write paragraphs analysing them in the comments.
TLDR: If we want, we can read deeply into memes and write paragraphs analysing them in the comments.
That money is for football 14 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 613
TLDR: Parking and having a car costs more and more in modern society because capitalism.
TLDR: Parking and having a car costs more and more in modern society because capitalism.
Tru dat 11 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 479
TLDR: Our dealings with aliens will depend on how much we fear and respect them.
TLDR: Our dealings with aliens will depend on how much we fear and respect them.
A wholesome boss 5 comments
· 5 years ago
A small business can be deceptively profitable. For one, they don't have to pay franchise fees or naming rights to a large corporation. They might get tax breaks/incentives. They could get good deals with vendors due to having a personal relationship. Not to mention that popular bars start to be profitable relatively quickly.
Wholesome 6 comments
· 5 years ago
The idea has been around since the 1980s and these aren't the magic solution you might think they are. First off the gloves can generally only translate fingerspelling, which is a clunky and infrequently used part of signing. Secondly, they can't track facial expressions or body movements, which often contribute meaning to a sign. Third, what sign language do they "translate"? ASL, BSL, one of maybe 300 others around the world? They're all different. Lastly, and most importantly, the burden shouldn't be on deaf people to accommodate the hearing world - it should be the other way around.
Guards evil out 6 comments
· 5 years ago
From experience, it's an ear-splitting bark that would disable all but the most sinister criminal.
Community being wholesome 6 comments
· 5 years ago
The cop wasn't asking permission to treat her, he was asking if she was comfortable partly removing her hijab in front of a strange man - huge difference. If you think that ensuring a patient's comfort is patronising then you're not ready to be giving any kind of care.
Hopefully ya can't relate :D 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Your therapist doesn't want to hospitalise you. It's not fun for anyone involved. They're only going to do it if you pose a specific, imminent danger to yourself or others. So you're fine saying things like "I really feel like killing myself," or "God, I wish my boss would just DIE," because it's much more productive to help you work through those feelings instead of putting you in a hospital. Please be honest with your therapist; it makes everything easier.
Laundry police! Open up, we have a warrant! 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Separating colors was more important when laundry soap/detergent was much harsher and clothes were dyed ineffectively. Now you can wash pretty much everything together in cold water and not have colors leeching. Your parents probably still separate their colors because that used to be the #1 rule of laundry, but you'll be fine if you don't.
Burger king indonesia 5 comments
· 5 years ago
My younger sister is Deaf and she wouldn't mind posing for these types of photos at all. She'd be happy to have something go viral that shows how common deafness is and how simple it is to accommodate.
Plough me hard 11 comments
· 5 years ago
@mostlyghostly06 Hey, thought I'd clear up a few things for you. Many countries (and states in the U.S.) have an age of consent younger than 18, meaning it's perfectly legal to have sex before 18. And you have your whole brain from birth, it's not like you grow new lobes as you age. In general, the brain reaches its full potential around age 26, but that doesn't mean that anyone younger is incapable of making mature and healthy decisions about sex.
The BJ Burger origin story 9 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know what you're on about @ilikemoderation - from the beginning of media there have been thought-provoking pieces commenting on the social issues of the time. Probably your favourite movie is "tainted" by a social movement or two, whether you've noticed or not. Not everyone has the privilege of escaping as they have to live these realities every day, and seeing your life experience reflected in art and media is kind of the whole point.
Like the antivax mom, only different. But not very much 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Sure, but to know whether it's good data you have to be an academic. You can't expect a layperson with a few hours on the internet to accurately judge the methodologies of scientists with advanced degrees and thousands of hours of research. I know it's hard, but we have to trust scientists when they come to a consensus and they have in this case.
Agree 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Masculinity itself isn't bad and it can be used in healthy ways to contribute to society. Criticising toxic masculinity is not about criticising men, it's about dismantling the harmful societal expectations that many men fall into without knowing.
Well, it's a start 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Everyone reading this please keep in mind that you should always have a bed frame. You can get it cheap or used or whatever. You sweat when you sleep and having an elevated mattress stops mold from growing inside and underneath the mattress, which (in addition to protecting your health) extends its life and saves you money in the long run.
In Finland, PhD's are awarded a sword as a symbol to defend what is right and true 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Academics do need to find ways to be more accessible to the general public. But there's a difference between explaining something complex in a roundabout way and saying nothing.
That sounds very cool 3 comments
· 5 years ago
This idea has been around since the 80s and sounds great at first but is actually problematic for a multitude of reasons. Sign languages utilise not only hand gestures but also body positions and facial expressions that gloves wouldn't track. Not to mention the vast differences between the many many different sign languages. The gloves can generally only translate manual spelling, which is a arduous process and only a tiny fraction of everyday conversation. Fundamentally, the concept puts the burden on Deaf people to accommodate the hearing world when it should be the other way around.
This is pretty well what we have been saying this whole time 28 comments
· 5 years ago
Some might not pay income taxes (fault of the government), but what about sales taxes, excise taxes, and other fees? Do you really think that immigrants don't purchase food and gasoline, or pay for electricity, water, tolls, and cellphone bills?
TLDR: Bruce Wayne's money likely won't get where it needs to go until Gotham is cleaned up.