

— usernamewhatuserna Report User
Die with humor not honor 6 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
Well not anymore! Thanks a lot
A sad but common story 20 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
I read this and I see myself. I am 30 and I've spent my whole adult life doing meaningless clerical jobs that put food on the table and pays my bills. This story is all well and good but I ask you honestly, what's the alternative? We have to work, and working takes up most of our time. So what else can be done? Sure I'd love to travel the world and open bakery but that just isn't feasible.
Can't wait to be drafted 17 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
You know I've wondered about that. We've spend the last few decades fighting for gender equality, does that mean I'd be drafted right along side my husband?
Why doesn't this happen more 3: I apologize for the long post 28 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
I am so glad someone explained it because I had no fucking idea what the post was about or why people were so pissed
This teacher came up with a clever idea 9 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
I can just imagine how that video must sound, "hi there, I can see you weren't paying attention to a damn thing I said in class so let's try this again"
This kid 5 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
I feel like "insisted" may be too soft of a word. Can you imagine how hard the parents (or at least my parents) would have fought this? You can't make a statement like this by insisting
By far the coolest alarm clock 7 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
If it doesn't slime you when you hit the snooze button, this conversation is over
Bad habits...  4 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
I dunno why this got downvoted, even if is a little harsh. I agree with the fact that the neighbor had no right to address her about it or "speak on the children's behalf". And the girl was hella chill about it
Gordon Ramsay blocks a slap in the face by an angry cook 4 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
Oh my god but he was being so nice and calm tho. I thought he had a reputation for being a dick to adult cooks? She was honestly being kind of a bitch
Awesome underwater museum 4 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 7 years ago
This "exhibit" was "created" yeah right (lookin at you Medusa)
Very interesting 32 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Or perhaps your arms (like mine) are a little chubby and you'll never know the difference
I think this is pretty solid advice 17 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Do you want to get friendzoned? Because that's how you get friendzoned.
If people looked at the stars more often 7 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Yeah well I said this to my boss and apparently I'm still "unproductive"
So deep 36 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Well to be fair, there's a dozen pics (most of which I can name, ahthankyouverymuch) vs just one person who is ALWAYS IN OUR FACE DAY IN AND DAY OUT...
Forest filled with ghosts 10 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Also known as Fuck That Shit Infinity
*cries internally* 40 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Experiment in Terror by Karina Halle
I know the fandom exists but for the life of me I cant find it
I wish I was that cool 6 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Yes- bring cake
Instant karma 15 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
I kinda got the same impression tbh
Look at the white shirted kid's body language, he's so pissed and the other guy is just laughing. I didn't know the guy that choked him was a cop, maybe the shirtless kid's older brother or something
"My parents have money so rules do not apply to me." 14 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
I wonder if he's maybe the only one that pays to attend that school? If that's the case, being a self centered little ass-hat is totally understandable (not really)
We should all do things like this more often! 7 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Yesssss, I'm available to do this for anyone who needs it. I'll spend all the time at the gym that you want but I'm NOT gonna work out
Never Been a Better Time To Earn Your Degree 14 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Ah yes, a genius plan. Now where do you suppose one would get money for a degree without a well paying job? At that rate, they'll earn their degree just in time for retirement...
This was a pretty good short story. Thought I'd share it with all of you. 38 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
And as soon as they start walking away, the doctor's like "Jk, lol I'm actually a serial killer but thanks for getting away from the eyewitnesses tho"
Looks like some badass camel tats 5 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
Those are tattoos......on the camel's ass.... Can u imagine being the guy who had to do that?
Me taking my Algebra II test after missing one day of class 18 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
He's so pitiful! Somebody help him! I don't think I could be a teacher if this happens very often
This book changed me 9 comments
usernamewhatuserna · 8 years ago
K thanks, imma read it