People are so insensitive 8 comments
· 6 years ago
From what I read the break up was in May and then she got engaged a few weeks later. Can’t speak for how accurate that is I tend not to follow celebrity relationships
Everything is garlic 9 comments
Don't Make Me Say It Again 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually it’s funny you should say that because I recently found out that is kind of a rule in Islam that you only say it to the first 3 sneezes that way when people have a cold you’re not stuck saying it every 5 seconds
Cate logic 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I think I own the only cat in the world who isn’t obsessed with boxes. She’s very indifferent to them
Fruits and vegetables are good for you 10 comments
Fruits and vegetables are good for you 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I’m now very curious about why someone has a random pineapple in a jar
Sing it with me 19 comments
When your game isn't so strong 1 comments
I don't need your help 11 comments
Gotta love the noodles 5 comments
· 6 years ago
As much as I love looking at the pictures people post of snakes, they’re always so cute, I still feel like if I saw one in real life I would be paralyzed by fear. I blame it on watching the movie anaconda when I was 6, it scared me for life.
When responsibilities knock the door 2 comments
So much love 4 comments
· 6 years ago
We want to get a lab lab for the lab where I work, if only our boss would let us.
I would choose to stay in the front yard 4 comments
#randomfacts #qatar #worldcup2022 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t claim to know how the choosing process works because I really haven’t done any research on it but it was my understanding that a large part of the decision was made based on a monetary offer made by the countries in the running, I wouldn’t really consider that a bribe( although I’m sure that bribes do happen everywhere, I come from Egypt where you can’t even get a state of without bribing someone)
#randomfacts #qatar #worldcup2022 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Your comment mentions nothing about the city not existing it just talks about bribes and the reason that it was approved for Qatar in a city that doesn’t exist is that they’re a very small country and they’re building a stadium for the World Cup outside of all their major cities and essentially creating a new city for it to reside in. The country is the host not the city and I believe that the reason it’s announced so far in advance is that most countries build stadiums for it and they have the right to decide where those stadiums will be built as long as they follow all other FIFA guidelines
#randomfacts #qatar #worldcup2022 7 comments
Doctors must be straight to the point they say 1 comments
· 6 years ago
So I know this is a joke but the same thing happened to my uncle a few months ago. He went in to have a routine surgery and something went wrong so he was in a coma and apparently there was too much pressure on his brain and we were told he needed to get transferred to another hospital to get treatment which we did then we got a call that the new hospital couldn’t do anything for him so they transferred him back to the first hospital without our permission and he died on the way.
Dayummm 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Well, actually, you can get halal or kosher marshmallows so eating s’mores is still possible.
I can't even achieve a decent sleep schedule 8 comments