For men's 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, bras are made to support the boobs you already have, pushup bras push-up the boobs as you said, no fake effect included buddy. This thing creates the musculs out of nowhere, that's why the dislikes
A piece of berlin wall 10 comments
Bitter,Bitter end☻ 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I've seen one similar to this one and belle was getting surgeries as well and I don't quite understand why, any idea?
VSauce: Is Earth Actually Flat? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
How do this flat earth people explain the south pole? I mean it would be the whole edge, or am I missing someting?
Disney teaches us so many things. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually as a child, I think I got more of the good things, than the bad expectations from disney. i mean When people point out all the bad examples disney has set, I realise that as a teenager but i don't think my 5 year old self really got that out of the movie.
Epiphany of the day 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Also both say that yo shouldn't worry if you aren't skinny because BOYS STILL LIKE IT I mean, no I have no butt and I don't give a fuck about what anyone but me thinks about it. It's not self love if you are putting it in someone elses hands
We have to allow it 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't understand why the comment has so many dilikes, at least here all the 90's trends lasted up to 2003
Someone made an actual hoverboard. Just though you should know. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Has anybody read the uglies series?? In the book thay use this and I'm fngirling so bad
When your step-parent tries to discipline you. 17 comments
FCKH8 (warning- lots of profanity) 29 comments
· 10 years ago
I think the message is good, but fckh8 it's not a good company, they don't donate money to charity and the t-shirts you buy from them don't help feminism at all, they just make money out of important causes.
Emergency backup toilet paper 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Nope it's okay, 'duo' it's the name of that kind of toilet paper, the brand is different, it's either higienol or elite.
Random fact: Good guy fetus 4 comments
If disney cartoons were real 18 comments