One of a kind notebook 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Buy now button? I could see myself turning in an essay trying to put the words between the lines.
Cheap way to get your hip replaced 13 comments
· 8 years ago
The American medical system is a joke. There are countries with far better medical care that charge a fraction of what it costs in the U.S. Not to mention the markup on life saving medicine that companies push on consumers. Just recently am American pharmecutical company got alot of heat for the insane markup on epipens which is ridiculous.
HAIL SANTA 12 comments
Since we're doing early holidays and this made me snort 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Finally, a song both the adults and the kids can enjoy singing with holiday cheer.
Ugh! 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Thats fucked up. The doorway on the left is making me feel small. How is everyone supposed to know that im big if I cant smash through the doorway. And yet the women can. Fucked up double standards man.
Probably the perfect band name 5 comments
· 8 years ago
No, it didnt happen in weeds it definately happened in switched at birth. My bad.
Probably the perfect band name 5 comments
Rip sjw 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Did.... Did they just...........Did they just assume that he was a boy? Those uncultured fucks. Im going to write about this on my blog and share it with all my friends on tumblr. Maybe next time they'll think twice about assigning genders!
sjw love i guess? 3 comments
· 8 years ago
The sad thing is there are people like this out there. Better love story then twilight doe :').
Dogs are the best companion 3 comments
The lord of the rings 5 comments
The value of the work you do 59 comments
· 8 years ago
My apologies then. I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought that you meant that entry level jobs should have higher wage in the cases where people have to support their families with them.
The value of the work you do 59 comments
· 8 years ago
Your going into a much broader and diverse spectrum of the topic. At this point you could pull out many different situations and debate over it for eternity as to why some things you are saying make sense or why some do not. Its not worth the time discussing all the possible reasons why someone is stuck in a minimun wage job or if it was the cause of their own past actions that caused it. The point being that these jobs aren't meant to help someone live comfortably. They are there to help people gain work experience and some money to further themselves. I understand the point that your trying to make and i respect it. But the fact of the matter is the you shouldnt shape entry level jobs into anything more than they should be. A person working an entry level job shouldnt be able to support a family comfortably or else whats the point of getting a better job?
The value of the work you do 59 comments
· 8 years ago
Both your points are invalid and yes i do say minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs. Thats why they're minimum wage. Ive worked at fastfood places before and I've delt with obnoxious custumers before. Its part of the job and if you cant handle it then quit. If you honestly believe working at MickeyD's flipping burgers is a solid career choice then gl to you. But don't go asking for more money for a job anyone can do.