2600 people form a chain to celebrate the anniversary of dna 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, there occurred some shifts throughout the multiple calendaral reforms, but calculated backwards, the anniversary takes place on exactly this date.
I see how it is 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Wait, what?! They didn't actually named it Boaty McBoatface!? Why didn't I learn this in shitty mainstream media?
I think its a great idea 38 comments
· 8 years ago
I think schools at lest teach you the skills you need to research on how to grow your own food already now. I mean once you can read it's easy grabbing a book or surfing on the web, can't be that hard. Teaching yourself physics etc. by yourself would be pretty hard. So I think right now it's fine.
Edited 8 years ago
Be yourself 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Getting decent grades in school is REALLY not that hard. It just needs a bit effort and a little help (e.g. ask your teacher wether he got any advice for you...). And having bad grades does NOT mean, you will fail in life. However, the most counterproductive thing you can do is to spot trying because you think you can't do it under any circumstances or the system is too broken or whatever.
Lets go Brexit lets go! 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah they should totally leave. Just for the moment when the come back, knocking on our door, begging on their knees to join again.
omg so relatable. . 14 comments
· 8 years ago
when you wanna make a meme but it's 2016 and you tryna not to offend anyone
The heros we need 10 comments
important test question!! 11 comments
· 8 years ago
You get 18,85 sqi of pizza for 1,50$ and 19,24 sqi for 1,70$. So the second offer gives you 0,1132 sqi per cent and the first one 0,12567 sqi of pizza per cent paid. Chose the first offer!
How to rob a politician 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I doubt that the robber paid taxes in first place. Also, if you follow that logic, you should take the money from teachers, fire-fighters, policemen and a hell lot of other persons in public service.
It's A Free Country 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, under two conditions:
1. They do it in a civilized, ergo non-harmful way and
2. They don't cry about "oppression" or "free speech" like lil' pussies when they realize they can't argue anymore (seriously I see this so often, from every side)
1. They do it in a civilized, ergo non-harmful way and
2. They don't cry about "oppression" or "free speech" like lil' pussies when they realize they can't argue anymore (seriously I see this so often, from every side)
It Just Couldn't Have Been Said Any Better 24 comments
It's A Free Country 4 comments
· 8 years ago
What people often forget about freedom is that you are free to do anything as long as you also take the responsibility for it.
The kind of vandalism everyone should approve 14 comments
· 8 years ago
what about disprove it or accept current scientific, neutral studies?
How our first encounter will probably go... 8 comments
Just the usual 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Same in Europe, just that all non-white people are evil, except white politicians, they are the most evil of all.
mmm pixels 2 comments
· 8 years ago
*sacle it down*
*scale it up*
*sacle it down*
*scale it up*
*sacle it down*
*scale it up*
*scale it up*
*sacle it down*
*scale it up*
*sacle it down*
*scale it up*
... Seriously, Google? 3 comments
· 8 years ago
"1001101101 definitely not a robot ha ha ha 0100011001 stupid humans gonna die 1010010"
Reasons why I procrastinate 1 comments