That's A Formula For A Cool Kid 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Bruce Jenner
Negative drawing 9 comments
· 9 years ago
No. We have to breed it, we need this kind of human for our art revolution.
Prolly a repost, but I still found it funny af 15 comments
· 9 years ago
So why bother trying to tell me what to do? If it's not affecting you in any part of your life like you've stated above, why go out of your way to comment something so stupid? Are you looking for attention or something? I get it if I said something that seriously insulted you and you commented, but really? Something as stupid as two letters? I don't end everything with "af" but I'm not going to stop typing it either.
Prolly a repost, but I still found it funny af 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't get me wrong, everyone has their own opinions, I get annoyed about how other's type sometimes as well. But I don't try to call them out on it. I just try to ignore and move on, who am I to tell other's that the way they type is annoying? But thanks, thanks for going out of your way to tell me the way I type is annoying because it's affecting your life so much. xox
Prolly a repost, but I still found it funny af 15 comments
· 9 years ago
O. Sorry AF fam, I didn't know that the way I typed had such effect on your life, I should prolly take that into consideration next time.
Real things that inspired pokemons 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I should totally be a life motivator. I can do great things with my suggestions.
Real things that inspired pokemons 9 comments
Real things that inspired pokemons 9 comments
Reminds me of Dragon Tales and Mya and Miguel 61 comments
I worked harder than you 19 comments
· 10 years ago
You won't get any extra votes though? Let's say the vote is at like 213, then you downvote it to a 212, but then you upvote it to 214 because it "adds two votes", right? It doesn't it just basically takes away that downvote you did and replaced it with an upvote. So, I guess you can say you did more work unnecessary work that someone that upvoted a post.