The car 3 comments
· 11 years ago
she knows how to stake her claim, I'll give her props for that
The great power of physics 10 comments
Hell's gate 29 comments
· 11 years ago
So that's were you keep running to Lucifer, you keep disappearing every time I go to challenge you for the throne
Super cool chessboard 33 comments
· 11 years ago
I MUST HAVE, and any f*ck mothering SOB who tries to stop me will regret it!!!!!
The great power of physics 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Its possible to do that, they're diving upside down, forcing the water to move up
Totally drunk in bed 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Never been on a roller coaster, been rock climbing and high diving(not sky diving), which is where you jump from very(35+ ft.)high areas into a deep body of water, though
Whose side are you on 80 comments
· 11 years ago
I think most brothers & sisters are like that, but I'm not sure, since my friend and his little sister are best buds
how i chase after a guy 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Naruto's probably in there, and Hinata's probably stalking him again... kinda wonder if they'll ever get together...
Tough doesn't even begin to explain it. 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm a guy, and I agree, girls are tough as nails to go through this once a month and (usually) not go off on their guy friends; boyfriend, etc., who are to ignorant to know that they are in pain and bug them to know whats wrong
Can you find the cats? 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Kinda wondering why a hello kitty is hanging from the cabinet, I thought the only cats then could hang upside down were in cartoons?
And I still see this in college 5 comments
· 11 years ago
I have to agree with you on this one, I mean sure they now this (usually), and we have to give them credit for that, but we don,'t know it the millisecond we walk in, and they need to rember we were born to replace them, so if they don't treat us right, then we won't treat them right in retirement
Totally drunk in bed 12 comments
Whose side are you on 80 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, though it probably didn't help that me and my oldest sister both tried to have the last word in any argument, and both of us are competitive and combative
Whose side are you on 80 comments
· 11 years ago
Even though we fight rough, we don't fight all that often, yeah we argue, any siblings who don't are just weird, cuz that means they're the exact same, but we learned our lesson of fighting when 3 of us had broken limbs at the same time (ages-sister,14, me15, & my brother17)
Social Anxiety 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Mine got so bad I couldn't leave my ROOM for WEEKS, my parents had to put a mini-fridge in there, luckily I had the room with a conjoined bathroom...don't know who I would have worked it out otherwise.
What would YOU do? 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Get the power to teleport anything to you or you to anything. Hungry, teleport food. Lonely? Teleport some company. Want some Polish vodka NOW? Teleport. etc.
The story of natalie 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Her personality reminds me of my exgf, but her name was Briana, and she wasn't Irish, she was a mix like me.
Uncreative title 35 comments
· 11 years ago
*hiding behind the walls, listening to everything said, silently pulls out remote and locks down the area with 5ft. thick Adimantium*... "Now only I can conquer the world" *evil smile and laughter* "Now, to stop the other would-be competition..." *pulls out strange device, clicks a button, and vanishes, leaving nothing but some trapped people and the echo of an evil laugh*
This is awkward... 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Hope you're not ma(pulls out .22) ya, he's mad, SEE YOU NEVER, I GOT TO FUCKING RUN!!!!
Whose side are you on 80 comments
· 11 years ago
While I agree with the brother, he should have broke her stuff, not hit her even if she did deserve punishment. But I can honestly say I got hurt worse falling off a BIKE than her little shiner. When me and my siblings fight, we FIGHT. My sister shattered my wrist with a batt, I fractured her ankle, I put my brother through the wall, he fractured my skull. If you think her shiner is abuse, then what the hell did my family go through?
While at the movies.. Or an airplane .. Or any public place 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Just imagine the kids face when they try to make a noise and start the vibrate like some demented phone that just won't stop getting texts