Vitaly Klimenchuk


— Vitaly Klimenchuk Report User
Not a coup 34 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
@guest_ you are definitely more to the left than I am, at least on the cultural axis. Speaking of which, it would be interesting if you and others took a political compass test and posted the results on here.
For example, my results: 0.0 on the economic left/right scale and -2.15 on the social libertarian/authoritarian scale. Which means I'm deadset in the centre of economic issues, and libertarian in regards to many social issues. Which is why I consider myself to be the resident centrist.
Orange man Bad?? 42 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
And then, in the past 10-20 years, other groups started popping up on the left and taking over the spotlight. Socialists, feminists, progressives, black identitarians (such as BLM), Antifa, started taking over the public dialogue, and disenfranchised all the moderate left-wing people who used to be mainstream. And because these people are basically forming their own ideological block now, and the oldschool left-wingers cannot extinguish them, they are making traditional liberals look awful. And nobody on the left is denouncing them. I can elaborate on this further if you want.
Next up, the "commies". That's what they are. Bernie Sanders ffs literally called himself a democratic socialist. Antifa is essentially a bunch of marxists who want to create a totalitarian system that would control everyone, and boy does that sound familiar.
I agree that the comment in the OP was not useful or wise, but the person wasn't even trying to have a discussion and was just being a dick.
Orange man Bad?? 42 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Hey, I can clear this up for you if you want. The "right" I define as a combination of centre-right and conservative views, which I would say involve classical liberalism. The "nutjobs" are the neo-nazis, the alt-right, white identitarians, ethnostatists and anarchists. They are nowhere in the perview of the general political sphere, and are secluded in their own online spaces that keep shrinking. Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, all these kinds of people are getting barely hundreds of views online, and nobody takes them seriously.
Next up, the "left" - And this has to be broken down, because the left used to be social-liberals and moderate progressives. Then they evolved into Neo-liberals, the corporate cesspool, basically the modern Democrats.
Not a coup 34 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Holy shit, did someone just seriously claim that funsub is conservative???
Bruh. The only person on here I would even consider to be outright conservative is @famousone. And even he might disagree in some respects.
I am a centrist, as far as I can tell so is @xvarnah. Firmlee and shik were also center before they disappeared.
guest_ is a definite leftie, but at least he is sane and articulate which I can respect. And no one else is consistently involed in political debates as far I can see, but the conservative opinions are primarily the ones downvoted into oblivion. And when people who normally don;t talk do get involved, they are pretty much always arguing from the left.
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Tell that to white people in South Africa who are being persecuted for being white, see if they agree.
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
If you want me to go into more details about the issues with the black community today, and the causes behind it, I can do that, it has been researched enough.
But to make something crystal clear, because I think it needs to be said.
You are your own person. You are responsible for what you do, for what you believe and how you treat people. If you want to help, to solve problems, you can do that without feeling guilty for something that you took no part in. Think for yourself, and don't let people who want to take advantage of your goodwill to do so.
P.S. regarding the studies/articles you linked, I've skimmed through the second one, and it seems interesting, but possibly biased. I will have to look into it more.
· Edited 4 years ago
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
I'm talking about the principle of the subject, not about the specifics. People are responsible for their own actions, not the ones taken by their predecessors. Any guilt imposed on a person that did nothing wrong is a moral abomination, a tool of control over someone who you have no claim over. Is that point clear?
Next up, the claim that for some reason this particular slave trade was by any measure more abominable than anything else. You do realise that slavery existed on the African continent before the Europeans arrived, and they just capitalised on it by creating way more demand, as well as taking a huge chunk by force?
However, what baffles me most is that after being THE society to finally define slavery as a moral wrong and put an end to it, we are still blamed for not doing it sooner or better. You cannot define the morality of the past by the morality of today. It's ridiculous to even suggest that.
So yes, you are completely free of the guilt. You don't need it to help.
Orange man Bad?? 42 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Hey @guest_, you by any chance think that the "OK" hand gesture is a white supremacy sign too? Because the left's logic in this regard seems remarkably the same. There are tribal dumbasses on both sides, so dismissing everyone using the term is basically the same as calling someone or something fascist these days. The word lost any colloquial meaning it had, and is just a slur at this point. Except the leftists call everyone on the right fascist, and the right calls them libtards or sjws. Productive discussion, ain't it?
If you're going dismiss people who call out morons on your own side as just the other side of the autism spectrum, you're not making yourself look any better. There is a reason why the modern left is full of commies, while actual neo-nazis have basically vanished. Because the right weeds out nutjobs, and the left doesn't.
· Edited 4 years ago
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
He is free to share his opinion and I'm free to mock it if I find it stupid.
He can always respond to explain his position or just call me names and lose the argument. I'm okay with either.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Confirm who the idiot is, the people who perpetrate the myth he is talking about, or the person in question. Cause if it's the latter, enjoy your downvote bruh.
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Okay, I think I've had enough. 4 posts about this in the span of three days, wtf is going on. It's like someone's intentionally flooding funsub with the abortion debate in particular, not even just political stuff in general.
Aussie, Aussie Aussie? 37 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Out of all of these I still only like/tried Tim Tams. And yes, @flyingoctopus is correct
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Well then I'm against those particular aspects of the laws being passed. I thought I made that clear?
If you think what I'm saying is wrong or factually incorrect, then explain so without passive-agressive dismission. Because unlike people may think, I can accept that I don;t know everything, and change my opinion.
· Edited 4 years ago
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
They are an exception, not the rule. You don't take edge cases as indicative of the topic. And I would presume no sensible person would disagree in that particular case.
Triggered 11 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
To be fair, you have to understand something to respect it 4 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
No, this is referring to absolutely anyone.
Three stages of truth 5 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
For me 2 and 3 have forever melded into one painful mix
Ohh poor muslins 3 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
This came up like a week or two ago, sorry to disappoint
· Edited 4 years ago
The *best* thing for a broken arm 4 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
I actually kind of have a question that some people here may be able to answer. Why do people make so much Thanos related stuff? Like, I understand his character is very well written, and he is one of the best movie villains to date, but he isn't as "cool" as I would say some other Marvel characters are. I would attribute his popularity to the novelty factor, the fact that he had some of the best character development of the entire MCU cast, or maybe something else I'm not seeing.
But yeah, if someone has a personal answer, I'm genuinely interested to hear it out.
Customer service by Devolver Digital 3 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Devolver are the best
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
I doubt it, cause I actually agree on this one. From a libertarian point of view, primarily. Just because the government can regulate something, doesn't mean it should, especially the morally ambigious things.
Get rek'd 8 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
I mean, this is where I would probably say that Marvel has a much bigger backlog to get through before that, and that given I can't attest to the quality of the character, I'm not sure how differently that will go.
I don't want sjw crap in my movies thank you, and if her character/actor will be different in that regard, I can accept pretty much anything else as long as it's written well.
Bye guys -shikharizard 57 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
And by the way, to follow up on that, free speech is a political concept. If the idea has political meaning, it cannot be outlawed. This is why hate speech goes directly against the principle of free speech, because ideas that fall under hate speech are explicitly political.
And this is also why incitement to violence, as well as defamation, libel, slander, etc are not considered such. "Go and attack this person" is not a political idea, but the reasoning behind it could be, which is why incitement as a call to action is illegal, but discussing the reason behind such a statement is not. Same goes for defamation. If you lie about someone, you are not expressing a political opinion that is rooted in reality, so it is not protected by free speech.
I don't know if @xvarnah is still following, but I think he'd be interested, so I'll tag him.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Bye guys -shikharizard 57 comments
vitklim · 4 years ago
Congrats, you correctly identified the intent of my statement. And sure, disagree all you want, but here's a pro-tip from my side: If you are glad to see someone you disagree with removed from a platform, and you only see it as scoring points in a confrontation instead of trying to actually understand and maybe change my mind (a la Crowder), think what that makes you look like?
I wouldn't like to see anyone disappear from the site, not you, not guest_, not anyone else who is willing to peacefully disagree. But I guess this is what being a proponent of free speech makes you, and you don't look like you consider yourself to be one. Certainly you don't seem to care about it, regardless of what your closeted opinion is.