Diversity for mee, but not for thee 56 comments
· 5 years ago
I came out as centrist on the compass, but I would honestly would put myself in the center-right quadrant, given how I seem to corellate with other people.
Dark Souls painting 5 comments
Sjw lgtbnpc+ 15 comments
Don't nuke a country twice 6 comments
· 5 years ago
One thing I always find somewhat curious about any of these artstyles that can be broadly termed as "anime", is how European they look in facial features for the most part. Anyone got on theory on why this is the case?
Or maybe you don't see it and I sound stupid to you, lol.
Or maybe you don't see it and I sound stupid to you, lol.
This movie was so dope! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I would deign to know which time that was, since that clearly didn't help against the colonization. Something about the spears maybe.
Sounds like communist propaganda, but ok 17 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm more curious which way he thinks the revolution will go. Because it's either going to be communists or the alt-right that start, but they won't be the ones to finish it.
Nice work 10 comments
One does not simply . 10 comments
· 5 years ago
There was probably someone at some point, but I think this is more of an extrapolation on how 2nd and 3rd wave feminist theory tends to consider women better than men, and as such, denegrate the contributions of men to society.
Lukewarm IQ time 9 comments
Danish special forces are absolutely terrifying 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Do any of you people play Rainbow Six Siege? Cause one of the characters looks exactly like that.
I wish this was the majority in the show business way of thinking nowadays 7 comments
· 5 years ago
That's the right way to execute new concepts. Not ruining what came before to cheaply cash in, but building upon it with new characters.
About to comment in all caps 1 comments
Disney live action starter pack 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Yep. Because everyone complains about whitewashing, but nobody cares about the reverse.
Outstanding move 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Pornhub suggested to host videos of political YouTubers who are getting banned from the platforms, claiming "we won't touch you stuff". Fucking legends, the lot of them.
I updated this old post 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, I hope they actually explain the obscure mechanics this time too.
Like stunning PAX by hitting his other leg, or blowing up the containers to stop spawns, or getting the mark 2 weapons. Because most of these, I just had to look up to find out.
Like stunning PAX by hitting his other leg, or blowing up the containers to stop spawns, or getting the mark 2 weapons. Because most of these, I just had to look up to find out.
I updated this old post 6 comments
· 5 years ago
It is, but my god is it balanced like crap. The scorpions and the endgame enemies are some of the most bullshit mobs I have ever had to fight in any souls-like game. Dash in with a staff, stab and run away. Repeat until they die.
Plus the fact that you have to dump a lot of slots into pure health just to survive, and the 4th bossfight is just painful in comparison to other ones.
But it is a pretty good game otherwise.
Plus the fact that you have to dump a lot of slots into pure health just to survive, and the 4th bossfight is just painful in comparison to other ones.
But it is a pretty good game otherwise.
We did it boys 7 comments
· 5 years ago
When you realise that most other presidents wouldn't even think twice about calling it.
Pretty normal these days 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm actually going to be serious for a moment and say only one thing.
Just some random facts about LOTR 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Okay, can someone confirm if Celebrimbor was officially part of the LOTR lore before the Shadow of Mordor games? Cause I don't remember much of the lore beyond what the trilogy had.
Humility 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah. He was a great example of a leader of his time. And given the utmost rapid development in that area of the world, it makes sense that someone like him would arise.
Also, spell my name right if you want to tag me.
Also, spell my name right if you want to tag me.
Now stomp your feet 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Well, let me see how much the nazis compared to socialist countries:
Market controlled by the state - check
Censorship and lack of free speech - check
Massive corruption - almost certainly check
Single party state - check
Internal police and terror against its own citizens - check
Creation of the "other", dehumanizing the enemy - check
Cutoff communication from the outside world - check
No free press - check
Economic stagnation and drop in wealth - check
Committed genocide - check, check and check again
It is easier to list the differences between them.
The Nazis had were white supremacists, cared only about their own nation, and were warmongers. Seriously, how many others can you list?
Market controlled by the state - check
Censorship and lack of free speech - check
Massive corruption - almost certainly check
Single party state - check
Internal police and terror against its own citizens - check
Creation of the "other", dehumanizing the enemy - check
Cutoff communication from the outside world - check
No free press - check
Economic stagnation and drop in wealth - check
Committed genocide - check, check and check again
It is easier to list the differences between them.
The Nazis had were white supremacists, cared only about their own nation, and were warmongers. Seriously, how many others can you list?
Hope others will join 1 comments
Made me giggle 19 comments