

VivalaVPAC Report User
Monsters 12 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
This was a part of Death Note that didn't end up in the final series
I don't remember ever watching a full episode on this, but I'm fairly sure it does exist as an OVA
Have you ever thought about it? 9 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
Probably League of Legends..........
I'm okay with never trying that.
Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
I got a rope burn next to my eye once.
Psychological Weirdness 28 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
I would always imagine the person to be a sonic character
Overwatch? More like OverSavage 4 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
It's High Noon, B*tch
The cause of all chaos 26 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
This has been a year of unexpected people winning. First Leo won his Oscar, then the Cubs won the World Series, then Trump won the presidency
But the most unusual of all......
My friend Kyle won a yugioh tournament...
"f*ck" 5 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
I once had a 10 minute 'argument' with my physics sub until we both realized we both had the same answer and misunderstood each other
See also: Starbucks cups 33 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
As a republican Christian, I don't understand why people get so upset with "happy holidays" I understand that people celebrate different holidays and in my own eyes, I see "happy holidays" as referring to both Christmas and New Years (this is in my own personal case). However, I dislike it when people tell me NOT to say "Merry Christmas" because it might offend somebody. I'm allowed to say whatever I like in that case, and if you would simply reply "I celebrate Chanukah" I would understand and respect that.
It was 96 degrees today! I'm ready for hoodie weather. 22 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
California was doing pretty good today
We had a good old freezing 70 degrees
Paintception 5 comments
vivalavpac · 8 years ago
Does life imitate art?
Or does art imitate life?