I'm a girl. Everybody's using a fake name. So why cant I? And mine seems pretty legit, If you ask me.
— Wan Muhd Qusyairy Report User
This made me laugh 26 comments
· 10 years ago
this picture makes me mad. i hate it. like, i really really hate it. and disgusted at the same time. these little boys... i hate them and i dont even know these kids. acting all 21 and shit when theyre still babies. i mean, just look at the second one from the right. thats the face of a potential douchebag. what is this world becoming?
(Not My) True Story 4 comments
· 10 years ago
oh my god. i was about to say the same thing about the you're your thing. seriously, i think no one is really focusing on the actual story thats really going on here.
Probably 18 comments
· 10 years ago
no no you guys got it all wrong. i watched the episode, they didnt even get to hold hands. they didnt even reach to that stage so it would be impossible for them to... make phineas.
New sunglasses 10 comments
· 10 years ago
yeah thats just great i got two dislikes for saying that i agree with her, no sarcasm whatsoever. i dont understand this website.
Edited 10 years ago
Does this mean something?.... 7 comments
I can't be the only one who is paranoid about laptop cameras, 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a tape over my laptop camera like, right now, too! someone told me they could spy on us that way and ever since, im just squinting at it like,"you.. i know youre watching..." so one day i decided to do something about it and stick a small piece of cream duct tape over it. problem solved. i mean, of course, i dont aim the camera at myself everytime i undress, but i might accidentally. you dont realize the position you put your laptop in because it doesnt matter, or at least when you forgot about the camera, it doesnt. besides, just the thought of someone watching my every move creeps me out. precaution- it doesnt hurt.
Boo hoo 16 comments
· 10 years ago
i can totally relate. its just something about Christmas that makes you so happy, the songs especially. but then so does Eid! both give me the same effect.
Shots fired 27 comments
I am more awkward 10 comments
· 10 years ago
there are good people then there are bad people. same as there are good muslims and then there are the bad muslims who terrorize. even good muslims are afraid of bad muslims. like good citizens are afraid of criminals. theyre all people. and so are muslims. please. not all muslims are terrorists. just so we're clear.
Shots fired 27 comments
· 10 years ago
the fact that this bitch doesnt realize that hes in that gym for a reason, to MINIMIZE his boobs shows just how oblivious she is, and this is beyond unacceptable.
How old is she really 7 comments