Real actual science 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait but this makes sense, if the eyes are staring at your food making it hot that would explain why stuff in bowls doesnt get hot as fast because the bowl is covering a majority of the food therefore the eyes cannot reach it to heat it up.
I have no concept of time 14 comments
Report Bugs & Errors 79 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a Samsung galaxy s3 and I have never been able to submit anything. I can press the button but nothing comes up it just won't let me post anything.
Jokes and Jokes and Jokes. 2 comments
Kimmie sucks 3 comments
Plague 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I used to go to school with him, when we were like in sixth grade and he was actually a total ass just like those stupid pictures make him out to be.
Newborn baby lion 14 comments
Those eyes 10 comments
Thor finds a fluffy unicorn 10 comments
Types of drivers 13 comments