I want that. 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I work at claires and my coworkers and I laugh at this all the time. Especially when a kid asks their parents what it is and a rainbow cactus dildo is the first thing that comes to mind.
Me when I have a kid 8 comments
Awesome time facts 13 comments
Vanity Plates That Will Make You Shake Your Head 13 comments
Who else thought this way 24 comments
Sums racism up 42 comments
· 11 years ago
Quick question, and I'm dead serious. How can insulting a white person for being white NOT be racist? I thought THAT was the definition of racism, not white people making fun of other people.
Karma always wins 5 comments
· 11 years ago
My boyfriend is a cop and firefighters are allowed to do this. It's your fault you parked where you weren't supposed to so they can do whatever they "need" to get to the hydrant
Selfie - men's way 13 comments
Selfie - men's way 13 comments
· 11 years ago
He took the picture under his chin with his neck stretched out to make it look like a wiener
Admit something you have told no one else (only if you feel comfortable) 338 comments
· 11 years ago
Thank you so much guys. He has been incredibly patient with me. I've got a severe anxiety disorder which prevents me from doing a lot of stuff, but he's stuck around for 9 months so I think he's a keeper.
Admit something you have told no one else (only if you feel comfortable) 338 comments
· 11 years ago
I didn't have my first kiss til I was 19 (this past year) and it took me three dates just to get comfortable enough to hold the guys hand. Is that weird?
They knee and 14 comments
· 11 years ago
I just need to know. Am I the only one that has always thought the D in Disney was a G? .
And The Culture Shift Is Happening... 17 comments
She's only 14. wow. 9 comments
· 11 years ago
She has several videos on YouTube of her playing, including some Vivaldi. I'm not saying she's the best guitar player in the world, I'm just saying that one day she very well could be. She's already pretty damn incredible for her age.
A very painful choice 9 comments
...What Do You Think It's Like For Straight Couples Walking Around?..... 25 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm part of a mixed race couple,a straight one, but stuff like this happens all the time.
Striking a match with a football 9 comments