Best toilet paper 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Calling BS on this - how would he not have realised after picking it up?
Absolute Walnut 18 comments
· 11 years ago
If it's a ten car pile up I would hope they'd go for the most damaged car / the person who looks to be in the most danger. If the baby's in the last car that just ran up the arse of the other guys, I'm sorry babies but you can fucking wait.
NO. 4 comments
Owned 5 comments
A++ parenting. 8 comments
· 11 years ago
When you read a series of books you love and then it looks like someone might die (or just has) or has a really tough decision and you just sit there and cry... Normally when you tell people that's why you're sad they don't understand
Hahah so boss 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm proud of your reaction - I tend to scream/ cry and overall just get hysterical.
Hahah so boss 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Not that it makes a difference, but I have been cheated on by a man for nearly 2 years (in the military and away a LOT so he hid it all until one of the women contacted me).
Please explain how cheating on someone allows you to destroy all of someone's property?
What if I felt as strongly about someone lying in a relationship as I do about cheating? Am I allowed to destroy their stuff?
What if we had a fight and I was annoyed? Am I allowed to destroy their stuff?
I understand your point because it hurts more than words can describe when you first hear about the betrayal, but you do not own their possessions and as such, no right to give them away.
You can actually be prosecuted for this and be made to reimburse the other party for doing this (in Australia at any rate).
Please explain how cheating on someone allows you to destroy all of someone's property?
What if I felt as strongly about someone lying in a relationship as I do about cheating? Am I allowed to destroy their stuff?
What if we had a fight and I was annoyed? Am I allowed to destroy their stuff?
I understand your point because it hurts more than words can describe when you first hear about the betrayal, but you do not own their possessions and as such, no right to give them away.
You can actually be prosecuted for this and be made to reimburse the other party for doing this (in Australia at any rate).
Jennifer Lawrence photobombing Taylor Swift 23 comments
· 11 years ago
To explain my love of Jennifer, it's because she reacts like I would if I ever became famous. She freaks out when she meets them, and gets awkward and weird and falls over in public.
She just comes across as so warm and has a great self deprecating sense of humor. Obviously she won't be for everyone, but at least you know why some of us like her :D
She just comes across as so warm and has a great self deprecating sense of humor. Obviously she won't be for everyone, but at least you know why some of us like her :D
Jennifer Lawrence photobombing Taylor Swift 23 comments
Absolute Walnut 18 comments
· 11 years ago
It might have started out that way, but seriously how many parents have stuck one on their car for that reason?
Best escape artist 5 comments
I do feel a bit guilty 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I see nothing wrong with this because they shouldn't have been on the phone. Sucks for the people they hit but hopefully this'll be a wrong warning to the dick on his phone.
When you're honked at a set of lights you should before doing anything - what if it was an ambulance /cop car letting you know they were coming through?
When you're honked at a set of lights you should before doing anything - what if it was an ambulance /cop car letting you know they were coming through?
Ah Peter-pan, best childhood movie. 19 comments
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
· 11 years ago
I think you're missing Saviours point - if having an abortion is illegal (as in not everyone has the right to one) please describe the crime the woman is committing.
I'm sorry about your friend, but that is one woman in one relationship, not every woman in the world. If we stopped everything that a small percentage of the population abused no one would be allowed to do anything.
I'm sorry about your friend, but that is one woman in one relationship, not every woman in the world. If we stopped everything that a small percentage of the population abused no one would be allowed to do anything.
Figure it out, Google 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Then it should say view webpage. If it can't give you the image (for copyright or whatever reasons) scumbag google shouldn't give the option
Way to go dude! 11 comments
I swear, he hates twilight more than we do 14 comments
Restraining order 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Except the brand "Mossy Oak" which is American and easily confirmed on google.