

whome Report User
Way to go dude! 11 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Cheating is a horrible thing to do but that doesn't mean the person deserves to lose all of their clothes/stuff.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Is that because you don't really have an opinion on this? So far you've only reiterated others statements and quoted other people.
Researchers make sharks have Twitter in Australia 5 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Yeah they don't actually tweet at people, they send the details to life guards who assess the threat and act accordingly. If there was a large and aggressive shark in the area they would sound the alarm, not send a tweet.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
@mgoveia I'm after a one sentence, dumbing-it-down, sum up.
Me, I support a females rights to an abortion because it shouldn't be up to others to decide whether what she does to get body is right or wrong.
You haven't really given an straight out opinion, only argued with others, and while that definitely lets people know you're against it, it doesn't really say much.
Even if you've said it before, can you please reiterate in summary? I'm curious as to why
The only realistic archer 9 comments
whome · 11 years ago
I liked that about the movie, it made sense continuity-wise. He's shooting aliens flying down the street, it's not like he can go and collect them easily
Researchers make sharks have Twitter in Australia 5 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Going for a swim #allnatural #funinthesun #ohfuckhumans
Brutally honest 3 comments
whome · 11 years ago
This sounds like so much fun to do to someone else, but if that ever happened to me I would cry for a month
Maybe we're all spies, without knowing it 2 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Yup. Sorry dude, say goodbye to your family and any hopes of a normal life. Pros include sleeping with supermodels & fast cars
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
@mgoveia I'm happy to have a serious discussion.
Please succinctly describe your main point against abortion. The fewer words the better.
Such feels 27 comments
whome · 11 years ago
I'm guessing not. His mother was dying for 9+ months and he didn't visit?
Such feels 27 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Your mother is dying but you and your wife don't visit? Anyone else find that situation odd?
derpsubstance 13 comments
whome · 11 years ago
His father will hear about this!
No inside pockets 11 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Why can't women ignore the pockets as well? Have you seen how much junk goes in our bags? It'd be nice to have a pocket to keep the stuff you're actually planning to use sometime that year.
Philosophy vs. Religion 34 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Mike if you're using logic to interpret the bible and what they meant and what need to stay true there's no reason why others cannot do that as well.
If you think it's fine to mix different cloths even though it tells you not to in the bible, why can't I chose to ignore the part where it says I can't look upon someone with lust?
Something's that's logical to you might not be logical to others. Just something to think about.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Going back to your earlier argument though that it's the woman's decision at the time the baby is conceived to have unprotected sex, what about when contraception fails?
Condom breaks, pill fails, implant fails? No contraception is 100% effective (and don't say abstinence as you clearly believe in Jesus and his mother was a virgin).
Not everyone who wants / considers and abortion is irresponsible and trying to get rid of the evidence of a drunken one night stand.
And if you concede that in those scenarios it's ok to want / have an abortion, what gives you the right to make that decision? Who are you to say, if you're raped you can about the fetus, but if the condom breaks you can't. It shouldn't be anyone's decision but the female (if single) or the couples.
I don't care about whether anyone would PERSONALLY want one, I care that women don't have the option, or have to explain why they would need one.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Are you likening yourself being "misquoted" by a guest to Jesus being arrested?
High opinion of yourself, huh Mike?
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
I think in regards to this post, down thumbs represent people disagreeing with the opinion you shared in your comment, not the fact that you strung together a few sentences
Let's Play The 'What If' Game..... 22 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Why do you think they take place?
No one makes the decision to have an abortion lightly and if a woman wants one she should be able to have one without justifying why she wants ones. Her body, her choice
Let's Play The 'What If' Game..... 22 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Going with your argument that people who want abortions are "idiots" do you really want an idiot taking care of a child?
If you're against "playing God" shouldn't you let everyone make their own choice regarding whether they want to carry a baby to full term?
I understand YOU might not want to have an abortion, but that is YOUR choice and everyone should have the right to decide how they live their own life. If a woman doesn't want a baby she'll find a way to get rid of it, surely it's a better option to abort the fetus in a safe environment by doctors than by a woman attempting to get rid of it herself.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
And 15 I understand (and respect) that you would chose to keep a baby in a situation like that, but that doesn't mean everyone should have to.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Sorry snopes, my last comment was to 15, not you.
That's a rough start to life but I'm proud of you and your attitude because it's never your fault.
Hope things have gotten better for you X
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
I've just re-read your comment and has misunderstood it, but I'm going to leave that reply up because I still think it's a valid point.
And I'm not saying everyone has to get an abortion, I just want for it to be an option that any woman can choose.
I like that you would keep the baby no matter what, that's a sign of strength to me but just because you wouldn't want one, doesn't mean others don't.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
Where does the man fit in your argument? Say there's an accident, birth control fails and the woman HAS to keep the baby as per your argument. Where does the man fit in this? He's just as much a party as the woman, does he need to stay with her for 9 months? Because she HAS to have the baby for 9 months, so shouldn't he also be disadvantaged for 9 months? Have his choices and options taken away? Just because he doesn't end up pregnant doesn't mean he's any less a party to the conception
I'm asking this to raise a point that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions, not to be a smart ass.
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
15, your argument hasn't convinced me of anything other than you aren't considering the woman in this. It's HER body and HER choice if she wants I be a mother.
Also no birth control is 100% effective, so how about if there's an accident and the condom breaks the man has to carry the baby to term (for the sake of the argument, imagine this were possible)
Something to keep in mind 131 comments
whome · 11 years ago
If her partner decided to poke holes in the condoms to get hr pregnant without discussing it, it's her fault?