

— whoneedsausername Report User
Palestinian girl looking for her books under the ruins of her home 36 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Everyone's comments are about the books, yet you all fail to realize that this girl is recovering her books due to the bombings and genocide of Palestinians by Israel. Like, you're completely missing the point.
That is one serious couple 20 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Lol, reverse-slut shaming? Is that like "reverse-sexism" or something? God, that made me laugh.
Anyways, as for the guest, that's extremely misogynistic. Like, that is the definition of slut-shaming. You're right, you do whatever you're comfortable with sex-wise, but the loose comment? Really? You could do better.
Amazing argument against gun control 28 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Um? What? This is misogynistic and shames sex workers and is overall ignorant? Sex workers don't kill people, yet guns were created for the specific purpose of killing, so how in the world is it equivalent?
Girls 13 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Have you ever even met a man? Omg
- You have to be hairless
- But your head hair has to be perfectly styled at all times
- You have to be skinny.
- But not flat. Men don't like that. Big butt and boobs. Everywhere else is stick thin.
- No acne or wrinkles whatsoever. You might as well be the grinch for how attractive they find you.
- Good in bed, but hasn't slept with too many other people (besides yourself, of course).
- Quiet and softspoken. Never contradicts you. BUT INTERESTING.
- Likes "male" activities, but has to know every single detail of that series, universe, etc. or else she's fake.
- If she focuses on things like makeup, clothes, etc. she's shallow. If she doesn't, she's ugly and has "let herself go."
Need I go on?
Praise the Lord 8 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Exactly. Some people are able to stand for only short periods of time, so they have to use a wheelchair. Not everyone in wheelchairs are automatically completely unable to walk.
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
If you think a girl gives a shit about your crusty ass while she's working out, then you gotta rethink your entire life. You aren't that special, sweetie.
bakiratj is right. This is classic victim-blaming and misogyny. Even if a girl did just go to the gym to take selfies, why do you care? How does this affect you in anyway? Are you just angry that she's confident enough about herself to take selfies or what?
If a woman truly did want to impress you (which I highly doubt), she wouldn't be going to the gym where she'll get all sweaty and exhausted. I bet that this girl is trying to (cue gasp from audience!) just trying to work out in comfortable clothes! Shocker, I know, but it DOES happen.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
No it's not. Just like being skinny isn't healthy. It can be healthy, but it isn't automatically. Your health and your body is a lot more complex than fat = unhealthy and skinny = healthy, despite what Fox News may tell you.
Before Photoshop, there was pinup art 12 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
You really think any girl cares what you think about leggings and yoga pants?
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
whoneedsausername · 9 years ago
Different person, but I agree with guest. And what does it being a joke have to do with anything? I could punch someone say that it was just a joke but that doesn't excuse what I did.