

What does it mean to meme

— WhyEvenTry Report User
I'm no expert but...there is a chance 17 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Thats a very...active thought
Smol boye does a handsome 5 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Pls boop
Annoying Neighbours (Spooky Story) 18 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
You need help
I'm no expert but...there is a chance 17 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Apparently both. But black mirror did a lovely episode on something similar, where the guy was crazy obsessed with trying to prove she was cheating
I'm no expert but...there is a chance 17 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Fair enough. People with anger issues tend to be dangerous to your physical well-being more so than mental and emotional. Controlling behavious affects you more mentally and emotionally so it depends on whichever you prioritise
I'm no expert but...there is a chance 17 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
I think requiring anger help is a bigger issue than this kind of 'being a better human' because sure, respect your partners privacy and all that, but breaking down a door in response is rather excessive. But yeah both suck
8 · Edited 6 years ago
Cant argue with that kind of logic 5 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
How does he roll the blunts though
Cheater btfo 9 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
If he truly was the best then...then why cheat?
Wallet in the Sewers (Spooky Story) 10 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Don't do it 17 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Tony stark is iron man
Edit: spelling
5 · Edited 6 years ago
Annoying Neighbours (Spooky Story) 18 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Well that went dark real fast
I am untouchable 4 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Did you try putting it in some rice?
Finger flxibility 7 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
This is unnatural remove it
Jobs was a businessman, not an inventor 18 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Jobs was the personality that was able to successfully market and sell wozniaks inventions
This shouldn't need to be said 28 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Pokemon GO belongs in the cemetery. Because its dead
They are everywhere 12 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Thats why i hate you!
(Implying you're unpopular)
Holy f**k 5 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Maybe I need 1 of those eye exams because that looks just like Arnold
Somebody call 911 on her 22 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
But @harperfan7 you're talking about neurological differences specific to people of different races. Which IS talking about skin colour. This is a lovely site with a lovely community so please fuck off with your racism.
I will do it! I will take the ring to mordor! 13 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
I'll ride his back to bikini bottom if you catch my drift
Somebody call 911 on her 22 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Hey @harperfan7. Fuck you
Still cute 2 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
The devil
A good sense of humor 3 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
My joke was using my username. Kinda a running gag
After 15 minutes its all legal 3 comments
whyeventry · 6 years ago
Well he does steal your data. But its not legally