Truth from twitter 1 comments
· 3 years ago
privilege is being able to take chances and have a safety net if it fails 5 comments
· 3 years ago
@famousone I don't know if you've seen combat, but I know that protecting our way of life, using mind and muscle to do good where you can, is noble af - but it doesn't follow that you get to judge how hard other people are trying. You dont know their journey, and can't blame someone for having different goals from you.
privilege is being able to take chances and have a safety net if it fails 5 comments
· 3 years ago
What do you mean by settling? My whole approach to risk has changed since I became a father - being relied upon seems pretty real to me
What was she thinking?? 8 comments
· 3 years ago
When we could travel, I would get 'randomly selected' 100% of the time I was in casual clothes (I dress like a hobo), and 0% of the time I was in suit and tie. Random my homeless ass
If only I can see him 5 comments
· 3 years ago
That second part is a myth. The part about hearing your nervous system whine and your blood flow is apparently true - I believe it goes back to an encounter John Cage had in one
If only I can see him 5 comments
· 3 years ago
We have one of those at our head office. It's pretty amazing - the door is a foot thick and when it's closed, the silence is kind of oppressive. No reflections, no reverberation, nothing. Cool place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there!
What was she thinking?? 8 comments
Interesting 5 comments
· 3 years ago
That's really interesting. I always just imagined it was like a single spider butthole. I wonder how much conscious control the spider had over the way the separate strands are woven together
Did he really? 5 comments
· 3 years ago
You peasants, Kenneth Brannagh was a legend long before Harry Potter appeared
YT-Premium ads in a nutshell 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Growing up with like 4 channels of network TV and a VCR, it was a given that if you could pay a fee to have the ads removed, you would, anyone would. I don't get why people single out YouTube for bitching, when so many other services operate on the same or similar models.
Friendly reminder to take care of yourself 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm old enough now that decades are starting to feel the way years did when I was younger: not that long, and getting shorter all the time. Decades are the new years.