

— wiseguy Report User
Go Go PowerRangers! 5 comments
wiseguy · 7 years ago
This is true regarding additive colour, but in subtractive colour yellow indeed is a primary colour.
It's All About Science 13 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
First: I consider the question 'What is the concept of light without darkness?' as philosophical. Light is per definition electromagnetic radiation or to be more precise the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation human eyes are able to detect. Darkness is still the absence of radiation. A question about how'd we know what light means if there was no darkness is irrelevant. Second: You are right, at least partially. This is my bad and I apologize. Indeed dimension and position of as well as distance from a light source change the dimensions of a shadow casted - since the angle of light depends on these factors.
· Edited 10 years ago
It's All About Science 13 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
To be scientifically correct, neither does the existence of light depend on the presence of darkness (since darkness is just the absence of light, the converse argument applies: without darkness there'd be nothing but light) nor does the length of you shadow depend on the distance to the light source, but only the angle, the light hits you with.
That poor lobster 11 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Almost forgot: chitin IS a carbohydrate.
That poor lobster 11 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
...that's a rather complicated mechanism to explain here. However, every lobster will eventually die either from age or from being served with melted butter.
That poor lobster 11 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Lobsters (Homarus) are NOT immortal, they can live up to 100 years, but they eventually die as every other (higher) animate being. The span of life is limited for genetical reasons: every time a non-embryotic stem cell performs karyokinesis (that can be once a few hours, once a week, once in several months or never) the ends of its DNA (called telomeres) shorten a little bit. Are they too short (have reached the so-called Hayflick limit) the cell will die. This process is called aging and will eventually lead to the death of the whole individuum. However, some species are indeed potentially immortal: Bacteria, for example, simply don't have telomeres that can be shortened and their DNA can technically replicate indefinitely. Other creatures, such as the hydra (Hydra) use certain enzymes to restore their telomeres (the same way embryotic stem cells and cancer cells do) and by this extend their lifetime to immortality. Some sorts of jellyfish are able to live indefinitely, too, but...
Crafty animators 4 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
It's name is 'Blue Seed'.
Clickety-click is this working? 9 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Really? I mean... really?! ...but however, it's Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
Oh, england. You guys and your tea 11 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Although our demand for tea is mainly met from crops from India on present day, it originally comes from China, where it has been consumed for over 2200 years now.
'Modesty' by Antonio Corradini (1751) carved entirely out of marble 8 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
The 'Donna Velata - Modestia' or 'Veiled Truth', one of many astonishing 'veiled' sculptures by Corradini, was completed in 1750, not 1751. He died in 1752.
Your inspiration quota for today 6 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
You're welcome. ^^
Your inspiration quota for today 6 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
It's 'The End Games' by T. Michael Martin.
Satisfying calendar 11 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
February is the only month with a number of days, that is evenly divsible by the number of days a week has (except for leap-years), which means it is the only month to fit perfectly in this calendar layout once a few years. Some people - no - most people will probably find this satisfying as you can see above.
Priorities 12 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
In dem Fall mache ich es kurz: http://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/queren ("Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache." - Das sagt man ja so schön. Überprüfe doch bitte die Fakten, bevor Du anderen widersprichst. ;P)
Priorities 12 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
The text on the sign is indeed German with exactly the meaning guest mentioned. It is a so-called traffic separation sign. The grammar seems to be unlikely, but it is ineed a German expression. The photo was taken near Danube river in Stein-Krems/Austria.
We want Pluto back 18 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Although orbiting a fixed star is one of the three prerequisites a celestial body has to meet to be considered a planet, this isn't the reason why Pluto lost this status (it obviously does orbit a fixed star, namely the sun). The other two are the so-called hydrostatic equilibrium, which means it has to have a round shape and that it has to have cleared its orbit from other celestial bodies such as asteroids et cetera. Deciding was indeed only the last point.
2 · Edited 10 years ago
You can't stop suffering 7 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Falling in love is a highly complex process. Its symptoms, which are so nicely described in this comic, are caused by different chemicals synthesized by the human brain: dopamine (euphoria), adrenaline (excitement), estrogene or androgene (lust), endorphine and cortisol (joy). Although this chemical cocktail is meant to make happy promoting sexual reproduction, it can be toxic and even cause physical pain, too.
They grow on short shrubs... 14 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Fun fact: The pineapple is member of the Bromeliaceae, that literally grow ON trees - most of them are so-called epiphytes, which grow upon other plants without touching the ground ever in their lifetime. However, there are few exceptions as you can see in the picture. By the way, the pineapple's fruit is a berry.
There's an underwater spider? 15 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
Maybe 'gill' isn't the best wording. To be more precise: the diving bell spider's air chamber's wall behaves like a membrane, allowing oxygen to diffuse inside and carbon dioxide to diffuse out of the air chamber. However, depending on the oxygen level inside the water this phenomenom can only expand the time the spider can spend underwater, if the oxygen level is too low it still has to return to the surface eventually and gather new oxygen supplies.
Element of surprise 5 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
This place in the Periodic Table is actually taken by the radioactive element Dubnium (Db-105), which is... well, it's of no actual use.
I could be a scientist 7 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
I have to add, that there might be a "cure to cancer" someday. The origin of every form of cancer can be pinpoint to several particular genes, which are mainly responsible for apoptosis and cytokinesis. Stopping cancer - however - is something vastly different.
"What are they selling?" 15 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
3) A Dementor is a creature made of pure evil and a piece of chocolate can barely... wait, that one's correct.
So in conclusion you can say - fuck that shit, I freakin' love chocolate!
8 · Edited 10 years ago
"What are they selling?" 15 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
I have to contradict:
1) Although especially dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants and polyphenole which may have a positive effect on your body it only lasts a very short period of time and requires frequent consumption to be of any medicinic significance. Farther ingredients such as phenetylamine, theobromine and anandamide which are known to have a mood-lifting effect are indeed present but their effect is again very limited.
2) EVERYTHING mostly made of fat and sugar will cause you to gain weight. Where did this delusion even come from? Moreover a study from 2011 could prove a causal correlation of chocolate consumption and Acne vulgaris, disproving a study from 1969 which was - by the way - initiated by the Chocolate Manufacturers' Association of the USA. I’m not finished yet: one of the well-known triggers of migraine is glutamate, tyramine, histamine and serotonin containing food such as red wine and – of course – chocolate.
3) A Deme... ah, man, I'm out of space...
guess where that is? 17 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
That's the Fours Seasons Hotel in Alexandria, Egypt. Nice place.
I could be a scientist 7 comments
wiseguy · 10 years ago
For those, who wonder, a certain group (Gecko gekko) of the gecko family (Gekkonidae) has special lamellae covered feet, each laced with billions of microscopic hair (so-called spatulae), increasing every foot's surface drastically and providing a strong adhesive force, which allows the gecko e.g. to hold onto glass or crawl beyond the ceiling holding its own weight and far more.