Six-word stories 38 comments
· 10 years ago
"Why did we become strangers, friends and lovers? How did we become such a tragedy?" ~ ~
Cool sink 3 comments
· 10 years ago
It does indeed look nice, but also like it'll be difficult to clean. It'll need at least twice the time, twice the detergent and twice the water. I really don't think this concept is well-engineered at all.
Damn kids and their satanic lingo 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Lucifer (lat. lux = light, ferre = to bring) is a title of the planet Venus (and the goddess it represents) both in Greek and Roman mythology as well as the Christian term for Satan (I have to add that "Lucifer" isn't mentioned to be equal to Satan in any part of the Bible). Oh, and last but not least: it's the user name of the person on rank 17 of the current top commenter board on FunSubstance.
An old professor posted this 6 comments
· 10 years ago
The thermostat is checking the room's temperature constantly and regulates it if necessary. The teacher hasn't got access to its controls but has apparently found a way to trick it instead.
Only art students will get this. 20 comments
Death star chocolate cake 7 comments
*hoots and whimpers the name of pluto* 8 comments
· 10 years ago
It's a simple matter of definition. To apply to it a celestial body needs to meet three prerequisites: First: it needs to orbit a fixed star. Check. Second: it must have enough mass to reach the so-called hydrostatic equilibrium (which means it has to have a round shape). Check. And last: it must have cleared its orbit from other celestial bodies such as asteroids et cetera. Not check. That's why Pluto is considered a Trans-Neptunian object or dwarf planet (this terms have not exactly the same meaning but both apply to Pluto) as guest has already said. However, in our hearts Pluto will always be the ninth planet! :)
Edited 10 years ago
*cracks knuckles* oh it is onnnnn 6 comments
· 10 years ago
...so nobody is talking about that one of them can't be very intelligent using a water only type against an electric type?
I feel I can trust him to sell me a house 6 comments
When my boss pops up out of nowhere asking me to do one more thing before I go. 21 comments
· 10 years ago
"The Labyrinth"! How nostalgic. "You have no power over me. " One of my favourite movies. :)
Unforgivable 12 comments
· 10 years ago
What's wrong with this? Star Wars #1 Fan and below it a picture of the Mill... waaaaiiiiittt!
Floating bed 15 comments
· 10 years ago
This bed really floats due to the power of very strong magnets inside it and inside the floor that repel each other. The wires are just there to hold the bed in place. If I remember correctly it was designed by Dutch architects.