

Bios are awkward. I'm awkward.

— wittyusernamehere Report User
Why aren't we using this? 5 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
"No Homo Hannibal"
Little kids didn't ask for it 14 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
It doesn't say to stop war. It says to stop killing children in these wars.
Always respect 26 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
I think being a "whore" should be ok. People can screw with whoever they want and how many they want. I think it's when you, as a person, are just terrible, that there is a lack of respect. You respect people you see as good human beings, helping the world in some way, treating people with kindness, and not being a hypocrite or bigot. Your sexual relationships should have nothing to do with it, unless of course, they break other people's relationships knowingly.
That's Why I Dislike The Sea 12 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
"Gosh, Larry, stop being so selfish! We're all cramped!"
It's Almost The Same Movie 5 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
I felt so bad for him every time he built one and then was rejected. His face was so adorably sad. :(
All of the cookies... 6 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
But she didn't get to eat them...
Legendary ( Badum tss ) 18 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
That awkward moment when he has a nicer butt than the girl.
Tina on feminism 10 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
I feel bad for his mom. 12 is such a hard year to deal with.
go after the good ruff stuff 7 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Different guys find different things attractive. Not every guy has to find a girl who's curvy attractive. And honestly, she's not even that skinny.
Edit: This is coming from a girl, so just be you and stop criticizing others.
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Why men live shorter lives... 8 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
That's a dude...
Some ads are really good 16 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Look at Celia's comment. They have one for both ways.
Binoculars + iPhone = 3 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Or they already did and they're just trying to preserve it so they never forget the beautiful memory.
I learned a lot of things that should've stayed secret 5 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Its a drinking game. One person says "Never have I ever..." And fills it in with something they haven't done and if you have done it, then you drink.
16 · Edited 10 years ago
Obama meets horse 11 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
But you're already the hottest person in the world.
Why do girls do this?? 36 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Except telling you that your boobs are nice isn't really telling you that you're pretty.
Not the birthday surprise he expected 14 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Ma'am, but thank you, sir.
Not the birthday surprise he expected 14 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Well, The Naked Man only works two out of three times.
Feminazi story part 1 62 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
I think they all just redirect to PayPal
Teenagers are sl*ts nowadays 8 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Thank you! It's so annoying seeing these posts, as if girls are the only ones having sex.
I want to do this 23 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
The one I went to was in Phoenix, Arizona at Golfland SunSplash.
Red Panda tearing apart its prey 9 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
And then he can't even break it.
USA! 43 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
Agustinmlt, I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten that the US is the only country in the whole wide world that has problems with racism, sexism, and shooting and basically any problem at all. I guess you learn something new everyday. -___-
Tylerchu, if we don't have our military "dealing with others far away", then they're going to become a problem at home. Do you not see what they've done to other countries? To the very country they live in?
Feminazi story part 1 62 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago
You mean misandrists right? Cause those aren't feminists.
Ooh,he got McBurned 3 comments
wittyusernamehere · 10 years ago