

My profile picture has seen some shit.
wmonohon Report User
Hmm 121 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
It has been a while since I read "Surprised by Joy" by C.S. Lewis, but as I recall, he argues that one may rationalize which religion to choose by looking at what each religion offers in philosophical value. And he concludes that Christianity is superior in this regard, Hinduism being a close second. That is likely the answer a Christian apologist would give you. Speaking personally, I think it is irrelevant which god a person believes in – or even that he/she even believe in a god at all – so long as the beliefs entailed by said god – or lack thereof – are not blatantly antisocial.
Hmm 121 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
If I may play devil's advocate:
According to God, Lucifer is a liar.
According to Lucifer, God is a liar.
Assuming that one does not take into account the myriads of other religions and philosophies, how does one determine which to trust?
Hmm 121 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
But why would God even put the Tree of Knowledge in the garden in the first place? It's like a parent leaving a child in a room full of toys, yet failing to put plastic covers over the electrical plug-ins.
Hmm 121 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
Satanism is a legitimate religion full of its own constructive philosophies and morals. And to go a step further, it is my opinion that a proponent of this religion is no more inherently destructive (or constructive, for that matter) to the human race than any other religion – or lack of religion for that matter. And I don't think anyone has the right to say any other philosophical thought process is wrong and should not be followed merely because he/she adheres to a set of rules that says so.
P.S. I love how pertinent the poster's name is to this post.
6 · Edited 11 years ago
No grinding! 1 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
Shut up, Wisdom Tooth! You're a real pain when you show up, and a massive pain when you leave!
Shit just got real 10 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
First . . . to be dropped into a giant toaster . . . ?
The Generation That Can Change The World: Give 'Em Hell, Kids... 9 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
While I agree that today's youth is something of a sleeping political giant, I disagree that there is any sort of planned conspiracy that targets these people and aims to keep them sedate. I mean, planned obsolescence – which I consider to be especially pertinent to the music and television industry – had its beginning in the 50's, following World War II; what we see today in these cheap, quick-burning acts of entertainment is merely the projection of that trend.
Jaden got insane out of nowhere. 18 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
If he only wants people who like philosophy and poetry to follow him, and he is encouraging ALL his followers to unfollow him, isn't he saying no one likes poetry and philosophy?
9 · Edited 11 years ago
Bannannaana 8 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
The ends justify the means. Machiavellianism all the way.
Assassin's creed Disney version 4 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
That is the exact opposite of what I want. Imagine GTA V set to "One jump ahead of the slowpokes. One skip ahead of my doom. Next time gonna use a nom de plume. One jump ahead of the hitmen. One hit ahead of the flock. I think I'll take a stroll around the block."
(If we could get a series of these comments going, I would be ecstatic.)
A seahorse giving birth 27 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
But then we have no guarantee that this seahorse is the father. What if the female seahorse was impregnated by a smooth-talking stud at that party a while back? But rather than notifying anyone, she simply laid her eggs – fertilized by the extra-marital affair – in her spouse and told him they were his offspring.
8 · Edited 11 years ago
Girls need to remember this 38 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
As a guy, I can confirm that I do not at all find myself attractive when I wear gratuitous amounts of makeup. Maybe a little eye-shadow makes me look sexy, but nothing over the top.
Kid is smarter than the teacher 35 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
3) This is what I feel is the gist of your argument, guest: "The universe is too complex to not have a creator." Well the creator must be itself a complex thing, therefore, by this logic, it must also have a creator. (Following this trend, an infinite number of creators must exist.) Now the standard counter to this point is to state that the creator always existed. But if that is plausible, then why can we not save a step and conclude that the universe also always existed? (Yeah, I'm borrowing words from Carl Sagan.)
9 · Edited 11 years ago
Kid is smarter than the teacher 35 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
1) Science does not have all the answers of the universe, nor does it claims to, hence why we are constantly making and discarding theories. (Personally, I can think of a certain institution which does claim to have all the answers, or at least all the answers one may grasp with his/her limited, corporeal brain.)
2) The process of evolution which led to the human civilization is not comparable to an explosion creating a car; the former is a process of millions of years of natural selection and genetic diversity, whereas the later is rapid and chaotic. (This point also has nothing to do with the big bang.)
Enlightened dog 3 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
Much philosophy cognition. Very existential ponderings. Wow.
wat. 17 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
@sorrynotsorry, you just did.
· Edited 11 years ago
Stop smoking weeds 24 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
34 I believe.
Its a sign guys 6 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
If you want to get technical, the bible does not explicitly forbid masturbation. But many argue that to perform such an act is to commit lust, which is sinful.
Therefore, men (and women, for that matter) are not "socially allowed" to fuck themselves. And yeah, I knew this beforehand, so I was being sarcastic.
Its a sign guys 6 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
Well it sure is a good thing that no system of rules forbids masturbation. I mean, can you just imagine if masturbation went against some code and people were not allowed to do it? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
3 · Edited 11 years ago
*insert title here* 26 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
*Insert piece 7-A here and piece 12-B here*
Stupid Ikea instructions.
*insert title here* 26 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
*Insert ostensibly vague allusion to that horrible thing that you did, but desperately want to keep a secret.*
7 · Edited 11 years ago
Cats and Dogs 15 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
"Mr. Owl ate my metal worm" backwards is still "Mr. Owl ate my metal worm."
sorta good guy chicken pox 15 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
And HIV.
What guys really mean 32 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
A guy once saw my heart and called me beautiful. At the time I was under some heavy drugs which he had given me, so I could not respond. Honestly I hope I never have to see him again. It's not that he was a bad surgeon; I am just not a fan of open-heart surgery.
26 · Edited 11 years ago
Fingers crossed 8 comments
wmonohon · 11 years ago
@kissmysass, you make a good point, and I think that is one of the factors. But there are additional causes; and I argue that if there were not, women would masturbate just as much as men. (According to a 2007 British study cited in Wikipedia, "it was found that, in individuals aged sixteen to forty-four, 95% of men and 71% of women masturbated at some point in their lives.")