Ahhicecuubess!!! 29 comments
· 8 years ago
my dog is spoiled and will now not drink water without ice
Everytime 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Sucky story, especially since I really like her and the rest of Twice
Edited 8 years ago
Sucky story, especially since I really like her and the rest of Twice
Everytime 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Or when you're forced to apologize for saying that you're Taiwanese and not Chinese even though you're from Taiwan..... Lol
Edited 8 years ago
What do your fingerprints say about you? 13 comments
I can see this going horribly, horribly wrong 47 comments
To all the #OscarsSoWhite people 14 comments
To all the #OscarsSoWhite people 14 comments
· 9 years ago
At the beginning, affirmative action and its counterparts were created not because minorities were stupid or untalented, but because racial and sexual prejudice would keep those people out of certain fields, educational institutions etc. Nowdays it's not doing much to help, but that's literally what it's for: the people who wouldn't even get the opportunity otherwise. *drops history book and mic at the same time*
God is on Facebook 14 comments
· 9 years ago
But it was written "I do not permit a woman to teach" as in it was written by Paul the Apostle. Paul always differentiated between what was him and what was directly from God and that, was from Paul. He also explains that it was so the gentiles (non-Jewish) wouldn't be confused
It's true 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I sorta agree, but back in the day it was pretty necessary. not now of course, but right after desegregation, most definitely, especially in the south
Get your facts straight 50 comments
· 9 years ago
great job, I'm sure she'll totally stop now. racism isn't bull. but the situations people pull the card in can be
Get your facts straight 50 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly, i'm tired of this. If you don't believe/agree with it, just move on instead of making it more popular than it already is. you're literally doing her a favor
I guess there's an easier way out of everything 10 comments
I guess there's an easier way out of everything 10 comments
I guess there's an easier way out of everything 10 comments
I guess there's an easier way out of everything 10 comments