Just things apple can't do 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Omg android idiots... Find my iPhone has existed for quite a while now. You can do it from another iPhone or from your PC or even from an android phone. Like why even mention something like that? Everyone is people and they have their own tastes, whether it be in phones, gender, food whatever. Atop being a judgmental dicktard.
Nicki doesn't understand us 2 comments
I love it 46 comments
· 9 years ago
iPhone is not that expensive anymore. If you look at the prices of all the new android phones like the new S6 edge or the sony xperia Z5. iPhone is better for a a couple of reasons, and android is better for a couple of reasons. I personally prefer iPhone, you can just feel that the phone was made with care and that every element was really well thought out and given consideration. I had a S6 edge, moved to iPhone shortly after since the phone was getting slow, and I have been using android all my live just btw, and now I look back and wonder why I was so blind to see how awesome iPhone really is.
I love it 46 comments
· 9 years ago
Please go educate yourself. The A9 processor in the iPhone 6S slashes any android processor out there in single core performance. One core, of the dual core processor, is basically as good as a quad core android processor. The A9 chip out performs even the latest snapdragon 810 processor, which is an octa core processor. Android uses the core count and clock speeds to market their phones, but at the end of the day the amount of cores does not mean the processor is better. On top of all of that, Apple also optimize their OS to hardware, thus resulting in an even better performing smart phone.
The worst possible scenario for any fish 7 comments
You can't tell me what to do 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I just think they should make another substance... something like religious or whining. Because really, I don't need your believes in my life. Go post it somewhere on a forum for your religion, do not force it upon us. Thank you.
You can't tell me what to do 21 comments
· 10 years ago
FUNsubstance.... it is in the word. I agree with santaclause, I want to cheer up and laugh etc on funsubstance, not see whiny people's posts about their religion, because honestly..... I reallllly don't give a shit about it.
A birthday gift for Jesus.... 30 comments
I think I just won a game of Flash Player Update 10 comments
So, heard you guys like red-heads 45 comments