

XDmaniac Report User
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
ur dad lesbian
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
in iraq?
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
technically lawful
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
welp technically speaking its by definition not terrorism then
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
So that means literally every war or military conflict in history, or really any violent conflict ever can count as terrorism. Sounds like a bad definition.
I hate the term 'friendzone' with a passion 12 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
The friend zone can be a real thing if the one "friend zoning" the other is using the affection to abuse the other. Though as its usually used it is just bitching over nonmutual feelings
Roll Over. Try not to cry 21 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
i feel like you dont have to care about the comics to get immersed. The acting is good, and they set up the emotional payoff well with the relationships. I think it might be more about suspension of disbelief. I think if you cant allow yourself to unground yourself from the real world the whole thing seems silly and it becomes hard to immerse yourself
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
it was suppression of a terrorist cell. Civilians were killed if they acted in conflict with the forces, not to scare other civilians. You could argue it was to gain access to oil but that still doesn't make it terrorism.
I didn't hear about it. Did you? 45 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
What happened in iraq and afghanistan is explicitly not terrorism because it wasn't done purely to cause fear. Look up what terrorism actually means before you call military conflict terrorism.
Could have just dropped a hint 10 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
I was the murderer
Roll Over. Try not to cry 21 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
we all know and knew that. Its immersion that makes you feel it. Everyone knows wrestling is fake too, you arent blowin minds
Hank is right 12 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Just another day in the street 15 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
"Now you see an officer oppressing the people in the ghetto by asserting his dominance over the entire street."
I'd like to offer myself but... 25 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Bashing fat chicks with dis dick
I'd like to offer myself but... 25 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
stop with the bare mattress thing you're the only one who cares and you're obfuscating the point.
Perfect girl is just myth!! 5 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
I believe it's mostly caused by women in the past calling our hobbies "nerdy", "stupid", and "immature". Leading us to mistrust women who suddenly reveal they like the thing. Considering there are women who pretend to like things for attention it further reinforces this assertion. Making it harder for women who are genuine fans to be taken seriously. The media has basically been programming the Non-popular stereotype males to believe women dislike them and that a woman who likes what the like is either disgusting or a super-rare case for as far back as the mid 80s. As soon as video games became considered niche instead of popular this problem was created. Think about how many tv shows or movies you've seen where the only kid that plays video games or is really fanatic of something is the loser and the girls in school revile him. THIS is where the problem originates and it's gonna take awhile before the people who grew up on this media get it out of their heads.
Hank is right 12 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Children 18:3 What makes them great is they don't bash you over the head with the message...at least for the first 3 albums. 4th one is still good tho.
Good Christian rock bands are still an outlier though and overall they're awful. All the good ones have mostly subtle songs that aren't bleating about God constantly but those aren't the ones on the christian radio unfortunately.
This is heartbreaking, mr school, wtf :( 25 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Bad Logic. You can google anything you learned in school, does that mean they shouldn't teach it? A lot of people aren't good at teaching themselves. These are things that are more important for the average person than high level math or literature. What use does a laborer have for calculus? But knowledge of loans and checkbooks, taxes, etc are useful to everyone and should be taught
funny 49 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
To me the problem with gender fluidity is most of the people who claim it will also claim that gender is a social construct and theres no such thing as masculine and feminine traits. Ya can't have both
Not a trusty site 12 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
The show itself keeps comparing it t the original so I think its fair
Worst part about losing your glasses 6 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Use your phone camera to look around. You can hold the phone close enough to see and the camera will focus everything for you
Pokemon eyes evolution 10 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
I never want to evolve him into Linoone but my boy has to grow and I can't hold him back
Pokemon eyes evolution 10 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
3 for me baby. Love my Torchic and Teecko. Mudkip is ok. But Zigzagoon is m fav
Unload the gun rather than wear bulletproof vest 53 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
I mean, in my daily life i'm not gonna wear a ballistic vest but if I have a hit out on me I'll start to wear one. Someone I trust might kill me without one but I trust them. Same thing applies to bc to me. (But then again I'm intoxicated right now so I might not have made much sense.)
Unload the gun rather than wear bulletproof vest 53 comments
xdmaniac · 5 years ago
Wow this is one of the most well thought-out guest comments i've seen