

— XDmaniac Report User
Wiser words have never been spoken 28 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
The teachers didnt even have time to check all the homework so they would pick 5 problems to check each assignment so a lot of students just did a portion of the assignment and hoped they got lucky. It was a shitshow. I got the lowest grade I ever got in a math class when I had to deal with Saxon and it was exclusively due to the homework. My tests were fine, as they had always been.
When you don’t have a medical mask, and have to improvise 3 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
More PROOF that birds are DRONES from the government. They are perpetuating the HOAX of the CARUMBAVIRUS. BIRDS AREN"T REAL
Wiser words have never been spoken 28 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
The worst problem with this method is more homework doesn't help those struggling learn any better. Homework doesn't help you learn it only lets the teacher know what you know so they can give guidance, but because of the filling of classroom time the teachers have no time for individual help, which is what those struggling actually need. As for the higher level students, it just adds to their workload thats probably already steep from higher level classes and extra classes, causing them to stress and burn out faster. It helps no one.
Wiser words have never been spoken 28 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Also theres this weird trend in schools of filling up class time and not allowing kids to work on the assignment in class that basically forces the assignments to be homework. Then there's also the problem of assignments being bloated and way bigger than they need to be like with the Saxon Math program that requires 30 problems a night of all of their math levels. So even if you're doing Algebra, Trig, or Pre-Calc, you're still required to do 30 problems a night which basically means your math class takes up around 2 hours of your free time every night, So you're forced to forgo extracurriculars, not do the homework, or cheat. Its a terrible system and according to my younger sibling even more overworked programs are popping up in school these days.
Wiser words have never been spoken 28 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
I mean when people work from home its usually still work hours. Most jobs don't make you keep working multiple hours at home after already working a full day at the office.
True 9 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
i mean the main 3 have arcs. Everyone else is less consistent tho
Beware of your Grandfather's internet Gas and stay frosty, Snowflakes 10 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
hey man that sounds like stand users to me
True 9 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
ah gotcha. That theme would be great if it changed the character but shes still cold, distant, and suppressed in endgame so somebody didn't communicate that to the russo's lol
Beware of your Grandfather's internet Gas and stay frosty, Snowflakes 10 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Why do they look like stand users in the style of Kim Possible?
True 9 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Hm, I didnt get that from it. I mostly saw a movie about mental illness and how its handled by society(he said the word, boys) and how that feels for the mentally ill.
Directed by Robert b Weide 1 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
10 Haunting Pictures Taken Just Before Death
RIP and Tear starts playing 7 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
He's technically human. Does that count?
True 9 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
That makeup test sold me on the movie. Not because of the filming or the effects or the music. Because it conveyed to me Joaquin had a direction for the character and I very much wanted to see him play it out. Was not disappointed with his performance in the slightest.
Mashallah 10 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
I live in the midwest so 3/4ths of the year a house spider will die to exposure if you put it outside.
Mashallah 10 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Was about to say this. Yeah the spiders in our home usually arent equipped to live outside you probably sentenced it to death
Me: *doubt* 6 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
They arent human though. A human fetus is nearly identical to any other mammal fetus. Until it develops the human brain it might as well become a dog or horse. A brain dead body with working organs isn't a person because the brain is dead. The person died when the brain did. Even if the brain started functioning again the person is gone because the electrical signals that were them are gone. If theres no brain function, there's no person no matter how sentimental you feel for what that body could be if there were.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
If we go off the logic of future potential of being a person, contraception is murder. Masturbation is murder. A woman ovulating without fertilizing is murder because all of those situations could have been a person. The potential of one day being a person does not make a person in the present. The bacteria on your counter may one day develop conscious thought but you clean and sanitize your countertop anyway. Those bacteria are alive, they have functioning organs, they eat and reproduce. What makes them different from your average animal or even a human? Sentience. Conscious thought. Without it life is meaningless and simply happens to exist by happenstance.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
If it cant think its not a person. I dont know how thats not settled. Its a sack of organs without the capacity for thought. An organic machine whose only purpose is to keep functioning. Without the capacity to think and feel, its no more a person than the bacteria in your stomach.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
You know why that person shouldnt have a chance? They aren't a person. They don't exist yet. Without sentience, there is no person. Unless you believe in destiny in which case I can't help you. Further, if you believe it could be God's Plan, If God believe's the rape and forced motherhood of a child is whats necessary to get his point across, it doesn't deserve to be god.
What are your thoughts on this? 20 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
They had us in the first half
Luminescence 3 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
looking at these characters hurts my neck
Always put the blame other than on your fat self 4 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Man I don't think guys even have a big list like that. If they're "locker room talking" they pretend they need a 9/10 with big tits that cooks and cleans or whatever, but then you watch them and they're usually just happy with girls that make them happy. If you love them they're always 11/10 in your eyes.
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
Nibbas be out here really thinkin enjoyin life be gay
Tell me -Am I a joke to you? 5 comments
xdmaniac · 4 years ago
yeah i edited for that reason i thought you meant at a faster rate.
Also for posterity those people are dying from either black market weed vapes or custom home built rigs that explode. Like anything, if you vape safely and reasonably its very safe, much moreso than smoking.