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Good guy Germany 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I have my own sources which is why I knew your link was nonsense. I don't know about Mormons but I got 2 sentences into your source on Jehovah's Witnesses and knew it was nonsense. It saved a lot of time for them to start off with blatant lies that a minute of research would prove false
Good guy Germany 16 comments
· 8 years ago
If you ever get out of being too lazy to use Google, please go to an accurate source, unlike the one linked above, which just spouts nonsense.
Before and after you squat 35 comments
· 8 years ago
Even if you get a butt through squatting, it still jiggles. Trust me
Dayyaammmmm 33 comments
· 8 years ago
I thought the argument was that it's gay if the guy wants it done to him... like if he wants his girl to wear a strap on and give it to him. As long as the guy is the pitcher, I think it's fine
Jehova's witnesses during halloween 20 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm 2 weeks later to this post but I was going to cite if someone else didn't. We've been taught to give satisfying logical answers and explanations. Thanks for coming through guys
I just cough really loudly :D 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Orrrrrrr we realize that everyone poops and get over the fact that it makes noises since it doesn't matter...
Occupation 8 comments
Very unpopular opinion 70 comments
· 9 years ago
Isn't it because in America they choose to view and treat slaves as less than human just because of their skin color and in Africa they were more of indentured servants? America took slavery to a level that Africa didn't
Spoiler alert: I'll watch the movie anyway >.< 10 comments
· 9 years ago
There are some inside jokes you won't understand without seeing episode 4-6
Heroes need more media coverage 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Even if he's still on the loose? They almost always commit suicide after their massacres, they don't intend to live afterwards.
Plumber vs. Chemist 24 comments
Knock on a Jehovah Witnesses' door this Halloween 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I find that the older generation, like my mom, are kinda realllyyyy unnecessarily extreme. I'm sorry for what she did to you, it isn't like that. When my mom tried that I did the research for myself so I'd follow what the bible actually says and not her extremist views
Knock on a Jehovah Witnesses' door this Halloween 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I am Too! mishkamunchkin. Let know your IG name so I'll know it's you and not some random person
I too turn into Delsin Rowe 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Especially when you go to school and ALL day you were looking forward to coming home and eating that food but when you open the fridge you see that SOME HEARTLESS THIEVING BASTARD ATE YOUR BUFFALO WILD WINGS and you stare into the empty spot in the fridge wondering what to do with your life since apparently nothing is sacred.
That took quite a turn 18 comments
What friendzone is like 19 comments
Louis ck wisdom 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion -_- He doesn't have to like what you do
Double coldness 27 comments
· 10 years ago
So doubllng the standard deviation of the temperatures would make it twice as hot (if that makes sense)