User yogithebear Banned
Mom of the year? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Who eats 1 slice? Seriously?
Whom'st'd'ell'est be smarter 8 comments
· 8 years ago
2 just nasty....
Never thought about number 3 but now I gotta know
Edited 8 years ago
Never thought about number 3 but now I gotta know
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Why are you involving yourself in a discussion on a topic you're not even old enough to talk about.. ? Are you using your white privilege right now
Edited 8 years ago
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Have you seen the one that me and your mom made , your dad was persistent on he wanted to record it.. ?
Edited 8 years ago
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Why is it every time you get involved in a discussion with somebody and you start pinning them down with valid questions and answers they always say lighten up it's a joke
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
I didn't ask for somebody who made one video one time ..
Obviously you were having trouble comprehending the words and do not really know the differences between the two proving your intellect is not much higher than your shoe size
Obviously you were having trouble comprehending the words and do not really know the differences between the two proving your intellect is not much higher than your shoe size
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
She was not a adult film star she made one video what is part of this are you not comprehending I know you're trying to use your one example to validate all of it but it's completely false
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Has.. stfu... are you aware that" has" is past tense if you're going to be involved in the conversation please try to stay up to speed.. she was probably on drugs while making that video probably cocaine
Edited 8 years ago
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
I would like for you to name me any adult film stars that do not have a drug problem
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Just look at where the likes are at tbh.
Lmao! This is coming from a bunch of social justice Warriors who have yet to really contribute to society probably still live with your parents and we'll die with your parents.. Lmao!
Lmao! This is coming from a bunch of social justice Warriors who have yet to really contribute to society probably still live with your parents and we'll die with your parents.. Lmao!
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh now all of a sudden we want to actually have fun on here okay I see we pick and choose.
Edited 8 years ago
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
It's always a joke .. another lesson you will learn . Life is no joke ..
Edited 8 years ago
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Now you use the kids! Lmao! Getting desperate,, next you gonna use fear to try and convince me it acceptable. Lmao!
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow! then you go for rock bottom.... bro you just keep making it worse. I can't believe that you are trying to validate working in a porno industry is something worth talking about... if you had half of a brain cell you would know the amount of damage that the porno industry does but it's never discussed..
Why could she not become the type of person that would discover the cure for cancer or find some new way of creating energy.. something positive,
Why could she not become the type of person that would discover the cure for cancer or find some new way of creating energy.. something positive,
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah exactly what the world needs. Another slut.. tf? Smh. Hopefully when you have children she becomes a porn superstar well known for the largest gang bang , and being double fisted
Sit the f*ck down child 64 comments
· 8 years ago
Please no art major or gender studies... Here's your chance to become something other than a protester... please! You are our future..
Tryn to save a dollar 11 comments
· 8 years ago
It's amazing how all of yall have sucked the fun out of this .. good job for once you are succeeding at life ..hip hip hooray.... Tf?
Edited 8 years ago