

— youdonttknowme Report User
My friends and I built an Igloo in my front yard 4 comments
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
when I was in kindergarden me and my friends worked five days to build one. It was so awesome! then the grownups pulled it down because it was dangerous :-(
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
and it is blind. see that white thing from its eye? thats a little white animal eating the eye itself!
7 · Edited 11 years ago
Too good not to share 4 comments
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
I loved yumiishiyama
Tumblr's at it again 5 comments
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
you could make a tvseries about the chosen one, the crab lord. How it would turn out that the crabs had build Atlantis (the fundament of the world). That the crabs were the first intelligent creatures to walk on the earth. How the humans had sunken Atlantis and made the other societys and driven the crabs into the sea. They have waited a long time for the crab lord to rise and show them justice, they will get him to find Atlantis and send their city back to the above, to show that they were the greatest.
The trailor would be like this:
A lonely boy, he has nothing left for the human race but hatred. They made fun of him. The humans only understand destroying, but he will have his vengeance. He will rise.
Dear god 8 comments
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
I linke How the non-planned baby smiles. Like, "Fuck You, that's why!"
He'll be with me forever 11 comments
youdonttknowme · 11 years ago
Overlyattached girlfriend