Hanna-Barbera Piano 12 comments
· 11 years ago
yes and that looks nothing like them that is doctor seuss
welcome back brian. 8 comments
Hanna-Barbera Piano 12 comments
· 11 years ago
what do you mean by hanna-barbera piano, bitch? it's obviously a dr. seuss based piano
Dark humor 104 comments
· 11 years ago
o yea no fucking doubt about two years ago in the city where i study every day (almost) there would be narcos hanging frome a bridge horribly.... you know "dismemberd"
Dark humor 104 comments
· 11 years ago
but not in schools i mean we dont get damaged in the same way or so badly like to shoot people we get in fights and stuff but not to that point
Dark humor 104 comments
· 11 years ago
well no thats why we have so many children left if you whant you can import some
Dark humor 104 comments
· 11 years ago
that's funny why do you get angry at somthing that didint happen to you fucking americans, mexico third world country bulling is a daily and very funny thing we go through its with us since we are 3 and do you know what we do we laugh and make a worst coment of them not cry like bitches and shoot people i mean there is violence here but its just between narcos all the other people are just regular people we do not carry guns with us we read books and listen to music make parties and carry on with our lifes but you know some people are stronger than others
Christmas Adam 1 comments
· 11 years ago
why the fuck do activist even try its not like they realy need to they are just realy pestering whiny bitches you know where actvist go? where real problems are, deforestacion, littering that is some of the stuff "activist"should try to end and there are thousands of more stuff and yes a am talking about women activist. sorry
Brutal 18 comments
· 11 years ago
hey hey hey what the fuck, society changes all the time we can not impose a man obiously damaged to have him in such agony i mean i am not gonna say that rape is not a agony or that a punishment is to severe because i am a son and i am a brother and i know that i would at the very less whant that sombody who hurts my mom or sis in any way, well, to be punished... but i do not think that this would work i mean why crush da balls there is jail there are mental institucions and what not i dont know it seems to over the fucking top.
p.s. inglish is not my natal language so exuse any words not written correctly
p.s. inglish is not my natal language so exuse any words not written correctly