Jeff M. Thomas


Jeff M. Thomas Report User
Warning: Feels Post Ahead! 23 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Awesome feels
Awesome Piano Doorbell 7 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Gosh, that sounds like a horrible idea.
· Edited 11 years ago
I don't know how to add text to memes 9 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Meta meme
Give a f*ck when you're young! 3 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
My hero
Donut and taco palace 4 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
There was a Winchell's Donuts in my home town that started selling deep fried burritos because, you know, they had a deep fryer right there... We couldn't decide which was stranger, burrito flavored donuts or donut flavored burritos.
Mark Twain was one of us 3 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Mark Twain would have been the king of bloggers.
Who needs logic? 5 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
I opened the comments to say this exact same thing.
It's crazy to think about it 13 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Clever, but 1, 7 and 2 are 3 numbers.
The answer to the answer of life 16 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
But the real problem is that we don't fully understand the question, so the answer doesn't seem to make sense.
Why I started working out 8 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Uhm, you realize exercise is only likely to help with one of those things right? You aren't going to push-up your way out of a gun fight.
I originally typed exorcising, which is unlikely to help any of those things.
How to clear a room filled with smoke (caused by cooking) 8 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
"Caused by cooking." Yes... cooking... it was cooking that filled the room with smoke.
That moment when you need a hug 23 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
A sociopath outreach program I think.
When I ask a simple yes or no question and get a 5 minute long answer.. 8 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
They had a team of engineers and artists just working on her hair for three years. It was totally worth it. (Not sarcasm)
When cats discover new things 5 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
She waits now for her unsuspecting pray, the dog.
At the top of a rollercoaster 12 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
I think you nailed it, the colors are right for Montu and that looks like an Immelmann. I didn't recognize SheiKra from that distance but it's about in the right place.
Coolest party 8 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Definitive proof against traveling back in time, what time traveler wouldn't go to a Stephen Hawking party?
What is normal....There is no such thing 6 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
It has nothing to do with existance/non existance, it's about perspective.
How can older people expect respect if they treat all teenagers like crap? 21 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Fair enough. I'll also point out that growing older doesn't make people stop being asses, it just makes them subtler about it. A young jerk is likely to grow into an old jerk. And some old people resent the young just for being young, which isn't fair but it's true. I don't feel that way because I was an idiot when I was young and would rather not do that again.
But...there's people 5 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
"You didn't clean your room this weekend, so you're going to a party tonight!" I'm SO glad my parents never figured out social interaction as a form of punishment.
He's too british 9 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
"I begin every sentence with an apology.
Sorry that's the case. That's just British policy.
Probably the case with everything, possibly.
I use ten words when two would do, honestly.
I'm British." - Professor Elemental
He also has a song titled "Cup Of Brown Joy" about tea.
How can older people expect respect if they treat all teenagers like crap? 21 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Fair enough, but then don't complain about people not getting your full intentions.
Socks 28 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
It's not saying socks, it's spelling it out loud, s.o.c.k.s, which sounds like "eso si que es", which translates (via google) to "that's is". Hmmm.
her interests are to die for 9 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
Adams Family.
'Murica 42 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
I'm 6"1' and weighed 128 pounds until I was in my twenties, and I wasn't all that interested in food. Alas, my wife and in-laws are really good cooks and love food, so I'm not 128 any more.
'Murica 42 comments
zazuyen · 11 years ago
They also have a milkshake made entirely out of butter cream and it comes with a pat of whole cream butter on top. It was delicious, but I could only drink a little of it.